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kin memory dump for gemverse

color code:
red: no doubles
blue: doubles ask
green: doubles ok

main: core id, literally me
ongoing: primary-tertiary
archived: "dead" kins


Two Timelines

Warnings for: death, suicide, alcohol, drugs, abuse, violence

My canon typically followed written canon, so I'm not going to bore you with things you already know.

My mom died of illness when me and Big Bro were young. My dad fell to drinking and he would get mad at us a lot. Sometimes he'd try to hurt us, but Big Bro always took the beating for me.

Then Dad turned into... a monster. Big Bro grew up quick. He moved us to Morioh in the long run. When we found the Arrow, he told me that we were gonna try and fix Dad by getting a Stand that could heal him.

Big Bro made me shoot him with the Arrow. I had pretty terrible aim, and my hands were shaking a lot. I shot and missed. He got angry really fast, taking the bow from my hands and going and picking up the Arrow. And then he shot me. Twice. In each wrist. Before I passed out, I saw him attempt to shoot himself.

I lived. We both did. But we both nearly died. We both got Stands out of it, but neither could help Dad. Big Bro was angry, angry, angry... He's the reason I have the strange scars on my face.

Personality wise, I was awfully hyperactive. As we got older, I got "worse". Big Bro hated it, said I was never taking anything seriously. I fell into a depression and found myself following Dad's footsteps. I fell to drugs and alcohol, hoping to "medicate" myself into a place that Big Bro wouldn't mind. And he didn't. I was constantly under some drug influence.

At some point, I started transitioning my appearance to a male presentation. It was subtle, and I just prayed Big Bro wouldn't notice.

When I met Josuke, everything got better. But, I remember a divergent timeline.

Josuke didn't save me when Big Bro shot me. He went inside, got Koichi and left. I wasn't long for the world after that. Big Bro's abuse got worse and I eventually killed myself.

But back on track. When Josuke was confronting Big Bro, I heard his real plans for the Arrow. He had wanted to kill Dad this whole time. I cried. I cried hard. After Big Bro's death, I was happy he was gone. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I spent most my time in Josuke's house, studying with him and Koichi (I wasn't terribly smart) or just staying the night there. A lot. Also, I apparently was nearsighted, but I never noticed it.

I dated both Josuke and Koichi. Koichi never got along with Yukako, especially after The Incident (tm).

I remember a non-canon event from when I was about 18! I'd love to write it out here, but it's very canon specific... Feel free to ask me about it!

jul 2 2017 ∞
jul 14 2017 +