• if you think "fiction doesn't affect reality" remember that fiction is often used as a tool to normalize prejudice & racism- not everything is about sexualizing kids, supporting incest, big age gaps, abuse, & whatever else yall freaks are defending
  • obviously i mean proshippers, pedofiles,

anti-antis, etc

  • transphobes & homophobes
  • if u think bi lesbians are real &/ bi or aroace ppl arent please don't talk to me or anyone at all
  • racists & xenophobes
  • if ur antisemitic you're not worth my time
mar 19 2020 ∞
feb 13 2021 +
  • im bad at consistently talking so i usually end up accidentally ghosting ppl. sorry about that
oct 28 2017 ∞
feb 13 2021 +
  • the name's elegy, after both the poetry genre & echo reverie's sword
  • black [caribbean american]
  • 19
  • pronouns?
    • she/her, he/him, & anything else is my pronouny is fine, still iffy on it & they
  • july 12th
  • neurodivergent
  • bi & gray-ace
  • genderfluid but make it cloudy instead of juicy
  • also it's purple
feb 13 2021 ∞
feb 13 2021 +

im shy but i don't bite lol, if u wanna talk about whatever then feel free to dm me [small talk's not needed, but it's fine if u do]

  • Twitters: [links at the top]
    • @trobubbline
    • @gender_jester
  • Discord: dm me
  • Steam: GiggleWitch
  • Switch: SW-8359-0209-5401
  • Epic Games: G1ggleSqu1re
oct 28 2017 ∞
feb 17 2021 +