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disclaimer: i've noticed i'm not half as cultured a lot of other people i've seen on this website, so pardon my lame lists of movies, foods, etc. i just like what i like!

i also appear to be unable to make a list without talking about swimsuits or my hair. clearly these are the most important things in my life.

i am obsessed with listography. for me, it's a welcome distraction from the rest ...

  • fluency in multiple languages (of different language families) - at least 5.
  • tri-lingual children. i also hope they're well-rounded, imaginative, and down-to-earth.
  • the fantasy "spanish-style, lager-filled, furnished-up fortress" constructed in nas songs that lives on in my dreams.
  • if not the big red-roof spanish-style house, a big fancy brick one will do. light brick.
  • oceanfront property that endures any and all inclement weather.
  • a library/office in my house. this is not negotiable.
  • babies (plural) that look like paul.
  • badass princess cut engagement ring.
  • ok, ok. i secretly lust over the tiffany novo cushion cut engagement ring (2+ carats). the ring of my wildest, wildest dreams - it's TOO beautiful. but at this point of my life, i know i don't deserve it.
  • a swimming pool.
  • every vix swimsuit ever made in my size.
  • abs. not scary abs.. just the jessica alba kind that you probably get from running and doing pilates. too bad i like junk food so much.
  • walk-in closets.
  • i want to see the world. (so generic sounding.) but really, i want to take it all in and really understand different cultures and ways of life. if our time on earth is limited, this is what i'd like to spend mine doing.
  • CONTROL! (sing it like janet jackson for the full effect.) not so much that it negatively affects others; just enough to positively impact my life. control is definitely necessary in order to get things accomplished.
oct 16 2008 ∞
jan 24 2009 +