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disclaimer: i've noticed i'm not half as cultured a lot of other people i've seen on this website, so pardon my lame lists of movies, foods, etc. i just like what i like!

i also appear to be unable to make a list without talking about swimsuits or my hair. clearly these are the most important things in my life.

i am obsessed with listography. for me, it's a welcome distraction from the rest ...

  • 10/9 my first real-life encounter with double modals - customer says "might could"
  • 11/4 stood in line to vote behind african american woman who fronted her Os! bill labov is wrong, wrong, wrong! of course african americans can acquire O fronting. why would they be physically incapable of it? a guy in my 325 class does it too.
  • 11/5 two african american men approach me at work and after starting up a conversation, comment somewhere along the lines of, "you talk all proper" and "you sound all smart" - then later ask, "what are your friends like? they're all white, aren't they?" --1. as if that's a bad thing. 2. what is that supposed to mean? i speak a certain way, so i sound educated, and knowing nothing else about me besides how i speak, you assume i only associate with white people? and does that mean that you associate uneducated, improper speech with your own ethnicity? this is sad, boys. you have made yourselves victims of someone else's language ideologies, and oppressed yourselves by buying into the language subordination model. total linguistic laypersons.
  • 11/5 "that looks like an igloo. why do they call it an igloo? because it's made of glue? or because it looks like an egg?" -gavin (age 4) - a young speaker of american english developing his morphology and semantics, and being ridiculously cute in the process
  • 10/23 my personal linguistic blind spot (what term did dr. A use for this again?): i swore i spoke in complete sentences until i did my tidewater voices transcription. lord have mercy. my sentences were more broken than my interviewee's. and a lot of times i couldn't even understand what i was saying on the recording because i was talking so fast.
  • 11/18 grad programs in speech language pathology requiring linguistics -- NONE!
  • i use habitual be and i didn't even realize it!
  • the bilingual birthday card invitations
  • 11/6 smook & rachell can give examples of all english varieties except midwest
  • 9/25 my only major offensive word is the n-word. can't stand it. so disrespectful.
  • 11/9 paul fronts his Os
  • "we hear faces" paul got put in ESL class because some lady looked at him and assumed he couldn't speak english
  • awnaw - "po'ch" for porch; "ya'll done up and done it"; "now what we do to get here?" auxiliary deletion; "what was we afraid for?"; "peep them vertical grills on the ride"
  • 10/23 nobody but you - double negatives, but mostly standard english usage
  • black star - respiration: copula & auxiliary deletion, could be to stay on beat; these 3 rappers are so intelligent and the transmisison their message is not hindered by their speech, not to me anyway.
  • the shoes video - really, can't some of his pronunciation be attributed to his adoption of a "gay voice"? actually, probably not. "shetbag"; did the mom say "condams"?; "deck"; "beg" for "big"
nov 6 2008 ∞
dec 9 2008 +