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disclaimer: i've noticed i'm not half as cultured a lot of other people i've seen on this website, so pardon my lame lists of movies, foods, etc. i just like what i like!

i also appear to be unable to make a list without talking about swimsuits or my hair. clearly these are the most important things in my life.

i am obsessed with listography. for me, it's a welcome distraction from the rest ...

listography NEW NEWS
  • the torture of writing papers
    • i can't remember the last time i turned a paper in completed & on time. and i've written a LOT.
    • the writing process had made me cry on numerous occasions.
  • sacrificing sleep on countless nights
    • big ups to wawa coffee for making my degree possible.
  • never seeing paul or my friends
  • being trapped inside doing work on warm, sunny days. especially sundays.
  • summer school - clearly a creation of the devil.
    • i can't say i haven't ended up on the beach tanning with my chemistry book, notes, and calculator on the day of a final exam. it was 102 degrees that day. i mean, what was i supposed to do.
  • studying on the weekends
  • studying in general
  • having to pay for parking decals.
  • parking tickets accrued from refusing to buy parking decals (word of the wise: tickets are cheaper than decals anyway--fuggit)
  • paying tuition
  • expensive ass textbooks & having to find them online for cheap.
    • then, sometimes, the book you ordered never arrives, and you have to buy the book on campus after all. this has happened to me like 3x.
  • full-time work + full-time school = i feel like i should be going into retirement now. haha. i'm actually really proud of myself.
  • not being able to travel or take vacations
    • i miss california. waaaah
  • constitutional law
    • but i appreciate the heads up. i have happily removed law school from my life plans.
  • 4th, 8th, and 12th week of the semester when all the professors schedule tests at the same time
  • midterms & finals
  • mandatory attendance (bullshit)
apr 7 2009 ∞
apr 14 2009 +