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disclaimer: i've noticed i'm not half as cultured a lot of other people i've seen on this website, so pardon my lame lists of movies, foods, etc. i just like what i like!

i also appear to be unable to make a list without talking about swimsuits or my hair. clearly these are the most important things in my life.

i am obsessed with listography. for me, it's a welcome distraction from the rest ...

listography NEW NEWS
  • body butter from the body shop (satsuma, passion fruit, shea, vitamin e, or my favorite: cranberry! i love this stuff)
  • magenta 2G ipod shuffle
  • nordstrom coffee cards (gift cards from the espresso bar. i'd never survive work without their coffee.)
  • a chi flat iron
  • a bottle of philosophy bubble bath soap. any scent, cause they're all good. there are a bazillion philosophy products at sephora.
  • CDs. i'm always looking to expand the collection. i love compilation discs with old r&b, and i could even use one with all those bad yet tragically popular artists from the 90s like mark morrison or c&c music factory. and i still don't have haddaway.
  • a mediterranean cookbook with lots of pictures
  • baking cookbooks! i don't crave a lot of sweets, but i love baking with my niece.
  • 'the silver spoon' (italian cookbook, phaidon press)
  • wallpaper city guides for major cities in spain.
  • any books published by phaidon press - their art & photography books are beautiful, and they have great cookbooks too. oh yeah - the blue room --had my eye on this one too..
  • books. i love classical literature. and i love mark twain.
  • i want a 2009 calendar with pictures of spain. or thailand. or firefighters. or b&w photographs of pigs! i freaking love pigs.
  • cute rain boots. or waterproof boots that happen to be cute. i hate walking around school in the rain. these are the ones i dream about at night (in ivory).
  • a thick, warm, waterproof coat with a hood. also cute. drool.
  • red & gray pumas.
  • this planner
  • new glasses! for christ's sake. i can't even see through mine. they're 6 years old.
  • subscription to dwell magazine.
  • cute winter socks. i love smartwool, and sometimes you can find them at tj maxx or marshall's for cheap.
  • i could always use more chuck taylors.
  • this watch. i swear they just upped the price on this thing. it was $60 when i was looking at it last week.
  • a cool case for my phone.
  • a paul frank case for my 80G ipod. (i don't think these exist - i've only seen paul frank ipod touch cases)
  • a macbook (someone convince mom i need one.)
  • pedro almodovar films on dvd. (i already have volver & hable con ella.)
  • unique picture frames in bright colors
  • one of those huge picture frames that you can put like 20+ photos in, that hangs on the wall.. preferably in a bright color or unique shape (urbanoutfitters usually has cool stuff like this, and i suspect would too. fredflare would be a great place to find gifts for anybody, actually.. all their stuff is adorable)
  • i like this frame too.
  • cool-looking magnetic boards + cute magnets >> this one is cute. in red or white.
  • a cool alarm clock, preferably white. (the one i'm currently using was glenn's in high school.) and it has to have lit numbers... not the black numbers on a gray background that you can't see in the dark.
  • pilates dvds! haha. seriously. and i guess i'd need a yoga mat too.
  • cute, functional gloves. like these. size S.
  • a new ice scraper/squeegee for my car. (GABE.)
  • i love pullover hoodies, even of the generic variety.
  • brocato cloud 9 shampoo & conditioner. sometimes you can get the huge bottles together and it's like $30 for the pair, instead of paying $25 each - what a deal! it's hard to find, but i have found the set at r&k and blooming beauty in the past.
  • bath & body works cucumber melon stuff. it's still my favorite scent. (i really just want the antibacterial hand gel. i also don't leave home without travel-size lysol. or if there was a cucumber melon car air freshener, i would love it.)
  • the office on dvd, seasons 1-3. i can't believe i don't already own these.
  • mushroom chalk board. god knows why i need this thing, but it is too cute.
  • this bag is ridiculously cute
  • new puma schoolbag.
  • i love puma.
  • harajuku lovers: love
  • track & field luu bag in blue & yellow
  • "if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."
  • gift cards wawa, b&n, express, h&m, amazon (to help with my final round of textbook purchases.. wooo! last semester of college!), anthony & co, sephora (heaven on earth), dick's sporting goods (i could always use more running clothes), nordstrom, itunes, urban outfitters, chipotle (seriously).

ok, this list is out of control.

oct 27 2008 ∞
jan 24 2009 +