list icon

❈ name: aki

❈ pronouns: she/her

❈ mbti type: entp + entj

❈ sun sign: taurus [moon sign is sagittarius % i identify with that 5000% more tbh]

❈ birthday: may 13th

❈ i fuckin love cats and dangan ronpa holy shit

oct 27 2016 ∞
jan 27 2020 +

☆ content can be slightly nsfw and there is a lot of profanity on my part since it *is* my media space it tends to get very L O UD (most of it is at my fictional bias / art things,)

☆ if you need to ask me about anything like tagging tweets beforehand or triggers please let me know!!

☆ as much as im fricking sin i want you guys to have a safe space you're comfortable in!

oct 26 2016 ∞
oct 27 2016 +

✧ discord: aki#0929 ★

✧ psn: akiwas ★

✧ steam id: izurus (my steam is v smol)

✧ twitch: uuuu uu u hhhh

oct 27 2016 ∞
jan 27 2020 +

✵ tg:re

✵ bnha

✵ hq!!

✵ gangsta

✵ opm

✵ noragami

oct 27 2016 ∞
jan 27 2020 +
feb 1 2017 ∞
mar 28 2017 +

★ dangan ronpa

★ tekken

★ kingdom hearts

★ sonic the hedgehog

★ zero escape

★ persona

★ nier

★ final fantasy

★ devil may cry

some mobile games:

★ love live

★ mystic messenger

★ utapri / shining live

★ obey me

sorry they're p much either rhythm or otome games askdjshd

  • there are so many more but these are all off the top of my head so ask me about things if youre unsure!
oct 27 2016 ∞
jan 27 2020 +