slasher sonas

  • the butcher
    • creep dwelling in a decrepit shack out in the middle of the woods... one night in october, some stupid teens dare each other to venture inside. chaos ensues.
    • about 25, 6'1, it/he/that. wears a severed sheep head as a mask. sports a butchers apron, elbow high black rubber gloves, heavy boots and brandishes a large butchers knife. longer black hair.
    • eventually defeated via its own table saw.
  • the wretch (maddox campbell)
    • closeted gay boy from a small conservative is outed, local group of preps (including his bf) yes and themselves into "accidentally" killing him. one of the girls involved is possessed by guilt and digs him up one week later on halloween with intentions to turn herself in, but instead unleashes his reanimated corpse upon her and the other members of the group.
    • 17 almost 18, 5'10, he/him. scrawny and greasy. wears a latex devil halloween mask. uses whatever he can find, but primarily a hammer. shorter brown hair. fast.
    • defeated by being hit with a car by the final boy, his closeted bf

other characters

  • romy
    • genetically modified catgirl, transfem lesbian. blind (born w/o eyes), very quiet but very interesting. grimes stan and woman supremacist.
    • 21, 6'2, she/ae. asian + white, neon pink hair, usually in pigtails tied with green hair bands. very into the neon green + neon pink combo.
    • part time nurse with sausage and cecil
  • cecil
    • nonhuman evil nurse... very fun and feisty. chaotic neu gal who loves her friends... and to eat eyeballs!! at the end of the day they mean no harm.
    • ageless, 5'6, any pronouns except for he/she. aroace, mixed black + chinese, long white + black hair with bangs. wears their hair two braids most of the time. bridge piercing and heterochromia, mostly seen in xer nurse getup. works with romy and sausage.
  • sasuage
    • centipede girl livin in the big city... bubbly and independent. very creative and unique, she loves fashion and people. nobody really knows why shes half centipede but that's alright.
    • 19, about 6'8 foot stretched out, but 5'3 when upright, she/they/ve. japanese american, bisexual (women + nonbinary people, no men). short light green bob, always wearing funky jewelry and shirts with cool graphics
jun 16 2021 ∞
jun 17 2021 +