• Unedited, Slash Fic
  • Barely edited, original characters
  • Snippet from above link
  • As he sat, alone only in his awakeness, in his prison cell, Thomas thought. He thought about his parents. How would they feel? How do they feel? He thought about his wife, his kids; how had she explained what had happened? His kids were barely old enough to understand the concept of prison and murder and crime, let alone have to cope with it all happening right beside them. Thomas thought about his children with a smile on his face as he saw his youngest daughter’s face bounce around his pounding skull. She was only two, and she had big icy blue eyes and a crooked smile, framed by thin dirty blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders. In his head, Thomas saw her smile, heard her laugh, and imagined the horror on her face when it was explained to her that she may never see her father again. He didn’t want to think about that, but it was already burned onto the insides of his eyelids. He shook his head to try to clear it of the image before thinking of his oldest. Though she was only ten, she had been at the trial. She had heard her father plea guilty, and she had the very most basic understanding of what it meant.
feb 12 2022 ∞
feb 12 2022 +