• Phonetic Gallicisms sheek for chic, click for clique, and the mother of them all, wallah for voilà.
  • People who say ‘literally’ when they mean 'figuratively' I've met a lot of walking talking people who "literally died".
  • People who do their make-up on the train. Though I do enjoy the pleasurable anticipation that comes of waiting for them to hit themselves in the eyeball with a mascara brush.
  • The fact that Katie Perry’s I Kissed a Girl has eclipsed Jill Sobule’s. It makes me feel old. And like I’m not kissing enough girls.
  • Things spelled with a K when a C would serve K is an ugly letter – and Krispy Kreme just makes me think of the Klan. Why would you do that?
  • Dislodging a large chunk of pepper from between two teeth after a delicious meal Comforting umami turning to bitter piquancy is a real downer. Damn you pepper!
nov 12 2008 ∞
mar 31 2010 +