• ASB&R, The Boy Wonder
  • Batman: A Lonely Place Of Dying
  • Batman: A Death in the Family
  • Batman: Under The Hood
  • Batman: The Killing Joke
  • Batman: Sword of Azrael
  • Batman: Venom
  • Batman: Knightfall
  • Batman: Second Chances
  • Batman Eternal
  • Batman Inc.
  • Batman: Earth One
  • Batman: Year One
  • Batman: Gothic
  • Batman: Son of the Demon
  • Batman: The Black Glove
  • Batman & Son
  • Batman: The Black Glove
  • Batman: TRORAG
  • Batman: R.I.P
  • Azrael: Deaths Dark Knight #1-3
  • Batman: Battle of the Cowl
  • Batman: The Court of Owls
  • Batman: The City of Owls
  • Batman: Death of the Family
  • Batman: Zero Year: Secret City
  • Batman: Zero Year: Dark City
  • Batman: Graveyard Shift
  • Batman: Endgame
  • Batman & Robin (2009)
  • Batman & Robin (2011)
  • Damian: Son of Batman
  • Green Lantern: Rebirth
  • Green Lantern: No Fear
  • Justice League (2011)
  • Nightwing v1
  • Nightwing v3
  • Superman: Lois and Clark
  • Teen Titans v3
  • Red Hood: The Lost Days
  • Red Hood and The Outlaws
  • Red Hood and Arsenal
  • Robin Rises: OMEGA
  • Green Lantern: Rebirth
  • Green Lantern: No Fear
  • Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
  • Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
  • DC Universe: Rebirth
  • Batman Rebirth
  • Green Arrow Rebirth
  • Superman Rebirth
  • Wonderwoman Rebirth
  • Batman & Robin Eternal
  • Superman: American Alien
may 13 2016 ∞
feb 28 2017 +