• children of apollo are usually creative theatre kids who love art. they're kind, music lovers and ambiverts. they're most likely dog people and love to daydream. sympathetic, maximalists, have several hobbies (and nver finishes any of them), always missing the sun in winter, everything they touch ends up with stickers and embroidery. always humming or whistling songs around the house, talkative and people like to listen to them, the place is immediately happy when they show up. their way of showing love is through gifts (they love to choose and make them), and taking care of people (baking a cake, having medicine in their bag for emergencies or just being there when someone needs them). the kindest souls, would sacrifice themselves for their loved ones, musicians, charismatic, people pleasers, really emotional, sunshine embodied, swifties, artists, open-minded, movie enthusiasts, great pretenders, yellow coded people
  • god of light, music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague and darkness, prophecy, poetry, purity, athleticism, manly beauty, and enlightenment
  • son of zeus and leto, and the twin brother of artemis. as brother and sister, they were identified with the sun and moon; both use a bow and arrow. in the earliest myths, apollo contends with his half-brother hermes
  • in sculpture, apollo was depicted as a very handsome, beardless young man with long hair and an ideal physique. as the embodiment of perfectionism, he could be cruel and destructive, and his love affairs were rarely happy
  • his attributes include the laurel wreath and lyre. he often appears in the company of the muses. animals sacred to apollo include roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes
jan 7 2024 ∞
mar 7 2024 +