• I'm generally positive and focus more on what I do like than don't like. And I'm very easy going, not easily annoyed or offended. But things we don't like along with the things we do make up part of our personality.

Here's what I don't like much:

  • sneezes/sneezing
  • hiccups/hiccuping
  • jokes about death or disease - either general or specific
  • jokes about sexual assault
  • Animal testing
  • slinging insults over disagreements
  • treating animals as less valuable than people
  • Receiving clingy messages by anyone whether I know them or not, on Facebook or anywhere then when I don't respond/ respond right away they keep up with the incessant desperate messages asking me if they did something wrong, constantly apologizing, pleading for a response. If I was going to respond I'm most likely not now. It may seem rude of me and maybe it is but coming off as desperate and needy and clingy to me is NOT in any way attractive. At all. 
  • Being overly judgmental - if I judge something negatively, I try to judge the things/actions...I don't like, not the person. Great people can do, say, think, not so great things sometimes. And anyway, it's not usually my place to judge people or what they do. When I catch myself judging, I question if it's necessary. It's usually not. And even if it is, I can also be judged unpleasantly, it doesn't make the person not a good person. I do things people don't like too. We can't all be perfect in everyone's eyes. We can all judge and slander each other but we can also express compassion and love to each other, which is what I prefer. And there's always hope to change for the better. What ultimately matters is what we think of ourselves, not what others think of us.
  • when people use the word "addiction" or "addicted" loosely - addiction is a devastating condition, not a love or mere overuse of something or a mere bad habit
  • too much political correctness
  • the feel/idea of soft material rubbing on my skin or on anything
  • killing insects/rodents/pests - there are no kill methods for getting rid of pests and infestations (mint, no kill mouse traps, taking one outside if you see one...and more)
  • Grammer/spelin' phanaticism - as long az you get the gist of what someone is saying/writing, why freak out and criticize over grammar & spelling/punctuation and stuff? All that matters is getting the message. Take a chill pill. Lol simmer down, it's not the end of the world because someone can't spell.
  • trying to force people to be a certain way or change them. I'm very accepting of people even when they possess some traits I don't care for much but if I want a friend or lover who is a certain way, I would find one who is already that way, not demand ones who aren't, to change for me. I believe it's ok to open people up to new possibilities, suggestions, and constructive criticism, help someone who truly wants to change or is happily willing to make big compromises for a relationship but not good to be controlling. Some things are reasonable to expect someone to change but some are just controlling. If a person isn't right for us, whether a platonic friend or romantic lover and we don't feel we are compatible with one another, we can lovingly let go, wish that person well, move forward and find someone who already possesses the traits that appeal to us.
  • telling people and even our own selves, what they/we "should" do. We don't always have to live up to expectations or certain standards even ones we place on ourselves. It's ok to just BE. What's good for one person isn't necessarily good for someone else.
  • some forms of sarcasm. Some sarcasm can be funny but some is really just bitter, intended to be offensive, negative, or condescending. Sarcasm is ok but I don't like when it's just to be negative, I don't care for a flippant mouth.
  • ducking autocorrect! It can be absolutely hilarious but it's mostly just infuriating to the point I want to chuck my phone out the window! But then I read funny iPhone autocorrect texts and laugh my head off and am happy autocorrect exists! (and ducking is supposed to be fucking but of course autocorrect changed it and so I decided to keep it for the irony of it)
  • brutal honesty that is uncalled for - I love honesty, even when it's not pretty. I completely support people being and expressing their authentic selves even when it's offensive and others don't like it but do you really have to tell someone the person is "ugly," "fat," criticize in destructive ways either being completely thoughtless or vicious? Some things really are better kept to the self. We don't have to spew every toxic thought we have just to be cruel, funny at someone else's expense, negative, or to make ourselves feel uplifted. Constructive criticism is good but some criticism is just destructive.
  • Twenty dollar bills - I wouldn't mind never seeing a 20 dollar bill again.
  • these things don't necessarily make someone a horrible person. I think most of us do things that aren't good now and then no matter how good we are in general. And even if we are a horrible person, we can change for the better! Life is hope.
  • I'm not innocent and have said/done things that would have been better left unsaid, not done and I probably will again. But I learn, let go, and move forward promoting Love.
  • There's hope for us all no matter what we have done, to evolve and lift each other along the way.
jan 2 2015 ∞
jun 22 2015 +