is good to me someone i can be silly with, isn't uptight and cranky in a bad way. mutual attraction dresses cute, has nice hair,is adorable {this is me being shallow} isn't an alcoholic, and doesn't care that i'm not into drinking and going to bars and that my life doesn't revolve around that. is single is honest invites me over to their place makes my heart beat faster someone i can talk to someone who "gets" me who will play boardgames and hello kitty uno with me. who wants to watch independent films/other movies and go to them with me. someone who likes taking long walks and bikerides. who will ride public transit with me. a vegan/vegetarian/health nerd. a foodie who wants to cook vegan/healthy stuff with me, go out for japanese and thai food. someone i can make mix cd's for who liks good music. maybe a boy who likes sleater kinney? who likes to cuddle/hold hands/kiss the kind of person i just like being around. boys who like shopping! at least h&m a boy who likes to read/go to bookstores/likes zines someone who inspires me someone who doesn't play head games someone who will call me just to say hi. where are you :(

mar 3 2007 ∞
mar 3 2007 +