• my room. no brainer, right?
  • my closet. it's weird, but true. nobody can disturb me there, and more importantly, nobody can hear me. so when arpeecast was still around, it was the best place for me to do my thing. it's also a good place when i think the parentals will be checking in on me to make sure i'm not up at midnight. plus, my closet is HUGE. i can sleep there if i want to, and i have before. it's a good place to be, basically.
  • the basement. my friends love my basement. we have refreshments (arnold palmer and red bull, as well as a variety of different sodas), and my parents are chill with me having 17+ kids in the house, which is a rarity. it's mostly in the winter and when we're deciding what to do that we congregate there, but it's legitimately "home base". seriously, everyone calls it that.
  • wal-mart. we always end up there. always.
apr 11 2010 ∞
apr 11 2010 +