• wonwoo as jirō horikoshi from the wind rises ― there are similarities between wonwoo and jirō, both of them are very passionate about what their love, determined to pursue it in their life despite difficulties on the way, kind and good natured, well, a smartass (but a humble one), last but not least, they both wear glasses.
  • i just realized that both taehyung and wonwoo are really resemble seiji amasawa from whisper of the heart (i am so excited to write this) ― taehyung is often quiet but also mischievous, often pulling pranks on members, talks gibberish sometimes and has everyone concerned for him, a very thoughtful and artistic person, and he plays musical instruments such as violin and trumpets omg, we all know it. and wonwoo is very affectionate with his loved ones, introverted, seems standoffish but is actually super sweet, and a talented bookworm heart eyes.
  • seokmin as tombo from kiki's delivery service ― they are both the sunshine of the town, always seen around town with the brightest of smiles on their face, everyone adores them and talks about how good natured and a happy pill they are, serious when it comes to their work and do not mess around, and everyone around them just falls in love with with them just like me.
  • soonyoung as pazu from castle in the sky ― there are similarities between soonyoung and pazu. they are both "amicable young boy with a heart of god", courageous though sometimes reckless drive, hard-worker with a lot of interests, so passionate, naturally funny, and they are the best kind.
feb 24 2022 ∞
mar 16 2022 +