one of my goals for 2018 is to jot down something about every single day since I suck at keeping up with my personal handwritten journal.

  • 01: watched 'gremlins 2' at home and had a lazy day.
  • 02: spent most of the day at tire kingdom getting both of our cars fixed.
  • 03: gave my leave notice at the store.
  • 04: shep came over. panda express and mario kart. I surprisingly kicked ass.
  • 05: met up with ivan at santa's enchanted forest. cried together on the swings and had the safety bar on the roller coaster unlatch while riding.
  • 06: swensen's and movie theater to see 'wonder' with d&j.
  • 07: worked most of the day, then played sims 2 and ate kfc.
  • 08: started cleaning our kitchen cabinets for the reno. sports grill with b&s.
  • 09: grocery shopping and cleaning the apartment.
  • 10: went to see 'the room' at the falls with d.
  • 11: tried the sims mmo. my shift at the store got cut. got new cabinets installed.
  • 12: got out for the night by 9:30pm! watched a lot of lucahjin twitch streams.
  • 13: played sims 2 and watched more twitch streams.
  • 14: closed at work and picked up chipotle for dinner.
  • 15: dinner at rok burger with d&j&e.
  • 16: started watching 'black mirror'. j started his masters program.
  • 17: got my eyebrows waxed, finally! also dyed my hair.
  • 18: mom flew into town for a few days. dinner at shorty's.
  • 19: went to the falls and to town and country with mom for lunch and afternoon shopping. got dinner at duffy's.
  • 20: went to wynwood and south beach. saw ‘the greatest showman’.
  • 21: shopped at the keys outlet mall then got lunch at gilbert's in the upper keys.
  • 22: shift got cancelled. drove mom to the airport.
  • 23: the killers wonderful, wonderful concert tour in miami
  • 24: first shift at the store in a week, but we got out early. grocery shopping.
  • 25: tried the new taco bell fries which were okay. shift at the store got cut so I napped and lounged around all day. played some flight rising.
  • 26: worked literally all day, then ate some mac and cheese & biscuits. got my gen 2 sims through university.
  • 27: got milanesas from the Argentinian place, then went to see get out with d&j. guy almost hit us at the parking garage gate.
  • 28: got krispy kreme. waited 40 minutes for j to get a haircut but we had to bail bc the lady kept taking other people before us, even though they came in later??
  • 29: 5am day pulling penny items then working my other job when I got home. spent the evening reading and journaling before bed.
  • 30: women’s flow at the store. state of the union.
  • 31: worked 5am-1pm. came home and took a nap, then worked until 9:30pm. passed out for the night.
jan 18 2018 ∞
feb 3 2018 +