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Hi, I'm Makeo and welcome to my listography!
I don't spend as much time here anymore, and mostly use my list for keeping track of cosplays and con related things.
Thanks for stopping by.
If you are interested in my cosplays, stop by my DA, same name as my account. Thanks!


15 Day Asian Challenge

  • Day 1: Picture of your Asian self
  • Day 2: Your race
    • Caucasian
  • Day 3: Your most Asian habit
    • Speaking in Japanese and making sound effects
  • Day 4: Most favorite Asian food
    • Sushi
  • Day 5: If your eyes are small, make them bigger and if your eyes are slightly bigger, make them smaller
    • Small eyes made bigger with eye liner and shadow
  • Day 6: Your most Asian pose
    • We all know it's the peace sign or putting your hands into balls up to your cheeks, or making hand cat ears
  • Day 7: A Group Asian picture
  • Day 8: Noodles or Rice and why
    • Noodles, easier to eat with chop sticks
  • Day 9: Embarrasing thing about your Asian family (i know you have something)
    • They don't understand all the cosplaying
  • Day 10: Favorite movie from your country (if youve seen one)
    • Kamikaze girls
  • Day 11: Why you love being (insert Asian origin here)
    • I love Being Japanese as we have so much culture, a beautiful language, and anime, mange and cosplaying!
  • Day 12: How many Asian friends you have
    • 4
  • Day 13: Picture of the most Asian thing in your room/house
  • Day 14: Chopsticks or hands and why
    • Chop sticks, eating with your hands is gross
  • Day 15: Picture of country flag
feb 14 2011 ∞
feb 15 2011 +