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Hi, I'm Makeo and welcome to my listography!
I don't spend as much time here anymore, and mostly use my list for keeping track of cosplays and con related things.
Thanks for stopping by.
If you are interested in my cosplays, stop by my DA, same name as my account. Thanks!



  • Day 01: How did you find out about Fruits Basket?
    • Found pictures of it on the internet in grade 7 and began to research it and learned about the manga, and found vol. 3 in grade 8 by chance.
  • Day 02: Which of the twelve Sohmas is your favorite.
    • YUKI
  • Day 03: What would your reaction be if you accidentally hugged yuki, kyo and shigure and they turned into animals?
    • SO CUTE!
  • Day 04: Is Fruit Basket one of your top 5 favorite manga/anime?
    • Umm...Maybe manga as there are so many and it took a while to get them all
  • Day 05: Post a picture of your favortite scene from the manga.
  • Day 06: Do you own any of the mangas?
    • I own them all and a lot of extras
  • Day 07: Have you ever had a Fruits Basket wallpaper before? (post a picture if u have)
    • Yes
  • Day 08: Favorite quote.
    • Calling someone cute is just another way of telling someone that you love them, Do you know the the snow becomes when it melts? Spring
  • Day 09: What’s your favorite episode from the anime.
    • The one where yuki gets sick, The story about Hari's eye, and The last one when Akito beats Thoru
  • Day 10: Post a picture of your favortite scene from the anime.
  • Day 11: What’s your favorite OTP.
  • Day 12: Did you finish reading the manga?
    • Yes
  • Day 13: Did you like the ending of the manga?
    • It was really cute, and I was happy the curse is broken and everyone gets their happy ending
  • Day 14: Post a picture of the merchandise(s) you own.
    • Too much >.<
  • Day 15: Which of the songs do you like the most, the opening ”For fruit Basket”, ending ”Chiisana Inori” or the song used for episode 25 “Serenade”?
    • Ending
  • Day 16: Post a picture of your favorite Sohma character.
  • Day 17: Did you like that Tohru stayed with kyo instead of Yuki?
    • Yuki only loved her as a mother figure, but I like Yuki more and I don't like his girlfriend, but Kyo really needed her
  • Day 18: How many times have you rewatched the anime.
    • Ummm... A few times
  • Day 19: Are you wishing for a 2nd season?
    • OMG YES! but I think because of Akito, there won't be - look at the kimino scenes, he is a he, I don't think they knew he was a she
  • Day 20: Spam your favorite pictures of Fruits Basket! :D
feb 15 2011 ∞
feb 15 2011 +