- ✔ Graduate high school (June 8, 2012)
- ✔ Go to college (September 22, 2012)
- ✔ Swim with dolphins
- Conquer a fear
- ✔ Change someone's life
- Meet someone famous
- Get kissed in the rain
- ✔ Study abroad
- ✔ Fall in love and get loved back
- Get married in the summertime
- Live in New York City
- Have a baby
- ✔ Get drunk (Nov. 4, 2012)
- ✔ Get my ears pierced (Nov. 10, 2012)
- Backpack through Europe
- ✔ Learn to cook
- Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- Go up in a hot air balloon
- Buy my own car
- Go to medical school & graduate
- Become a pediatrician
- Start a family
- Visit every continent
- ✔ Have sex
- Own a house and remodel it to my liking
- Get a meaningful tattoo
- Send a message in a bottle
- Go sailing
- Spend an entire summer at the beach
- Go golfing
- Play hide&seek in Ikea
- Bathe in a waterfall
- Carve a heart + my name + someone else’s name into a tree
- Solve a Rubix cube
- Donate blood
- Plant a tree
- Go to a book store and leave positive notes for people in between the pages
- Visit the 7 wonders of the world
- ✔ Run a 5k
- Learn another language fluently
- ✔ Get my driver's license!
- Write a book
- Volunteer in Africa
- Learn sign language
- Adopt a cockapoo
- ✔ Do spontaneous things with the boy I love
- ✔ Attend a college party (Sept.23, 2012)
- Sleep under the stars
- Attend a music festival
- Master a British accent
- Adopt a hedgehog
- Take someone's Starbucks drink on purpose
- Kiss someone I love on New Years
- Be a bridesmaid
- See a wedding proposal
- ✔ Donate money to cancer research
- Visit Disneyland during Christmas time
- Paint roses red
- Celebrate my 100th birthday
- ✔ Go on a carnival date
- Go on a run in Central Park
- Party during Spring Break
- Meet the cast of Harry Potter
- Go to a masquerade ball
- Perform in front of 100 people or more
- Meet Taylor Swift in person
- Do a keg stand
- Shadow a doctor
- Pull straight A's in college
- ✔ Go to a sex shop
- Graduate college
- ✔ Live in another country
aug 10 2011 ∞
aug 18 2014 +