- meeting my best friends in china: ching, kay-anne, hee-su
- 6th place at xc championships in shanghai
- becoming certified in scuba diving
- thursday skype karaoke time
- moving back to albany and being with my friends again
- disneyland for sydney's 15th birthday
- moving to my house on portland and living within walking distance to the high school
- getting good grades in sophomore year
- hawaii for mid-winter break
- summer in europe: 6 countries, 20 days - making friends with vanessa, collin, & liz
- homecoming dance 2010
- relationship with chris while it lasted
- trip to the east coast, visiting nyc :)
- prom 2011
- stanford summer internship & building my resume
- taylor swift concert!!!!!!
- winning senior homecoming + twin day + color war day + decorations
- boo thang hang outs and love
- raising $8000 for trick-or-treat with unicef
- first college acceptance - university of the pacific!
- buying new macbook pro
- finishing all college applications
- getting addicted to tv shows
- friday after first semester hanging out with sydney, maya, zoe & v (THIS IS THE TALE OF THE CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW)
- 4.0 GPA for senior year
- 18th birthday love - legal adult!
- cruise to mexico + roadtrip to LA + visiting colleges
- moving back to the talbot house :)
- trip to shanghai!
- visiting concordia & seeing everyone again :) :) :)
- preprom & prom 2012
- being forever done with AP testing
- senior ditch day
- five day weekend ;)
- awards ceremony
- getting senior yearbooks
- getting baptized
- final days where it's chill in class
- grad night at albany bowl
mar 14 2012 ∞
jun 21 2012 +