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Junior in college; A procrastinator, a thinker, a hopeless romantic.
I enjoy blogging, eating, sleeping, reading, making lists, running, laughing, watching dramatic TV shows, taking pictures, & singing along to the radio.

  • watched 90210 - first two seasons
  • no orchestra!, skyped hee-su, kayanne, & ching about china plans :)
  • got a prom date LOLOLOL, vietnamese sandwiches with v&syd&florence + going to library to make prom arrangements
  • free hot dogs from one heart bbq!, all packed for china, more 90210
  • SPRING BREAK, leaving for shanghai at airport (SFO)
  • ARRIVED IN SHANGHAI: met grandparents + driver + kay-anne + hee-su at airport, went to dinner after picking up ching :) sooo jetlagged.
  • woke up at 4 am china time, finished first two seasons of 90210, found a proxy for facebook LOL, hung out with an and did shopping at people's square and old shanghai gardens, went to an/ping/ching's house and an did my make-up, dinner with dad + grandparents, bought a protective case for my macbook + case for my ipad
  • basically stayed at home all morning: watched breaking dawn, caught up on smash & make it or break it, skyped v & discussed prom arrangements, procrastinated on AP lit essay, japanese food with kay-anne & hee-su, slept over at KAR's
  • at concordia meeting people again! going to class with kay-anne, speaking to mr. kent & mr. johnson
  • shopping at the underground shanghai market: bought red TOMS, leather boots, lesportsac bags, a silver clutch for prom, dinner with dad, grandparents & uncle
  • came to concordia, going to classes with katie, best dinner ever at cantina agave with kay-anne, ching, hee-su, katie, edward, ping & an
  • HOME!, flight was only 10 hrs, sleeeeeeeeep, skyped florence & v
  • slept in until 1:30 pm, 90210 all day errday, violin lesson, unpacked my things
  • alright first day back at school, wore my red TOMS, finalized after-prom hotel plans, didn't freak out over playing solo in orchestra
  • lunch at esther's with everyone there
  • REVENGE IS BACK, intense episode of survivor, unpacked more boxes, went to dinner at daimo, no homework
  • turned in neil's prom guest form, field trip to watch "red" at berkeley rep, nice and sunny weather, nap, home-made smoothies, thursday tv line up, honey-roasted peanuts C:
  • TGIF!!!, sunny day, lunch with luna, boba with sydney after school, facebook messaging potential roommates for Davis, watched "The Rebound" on netflix
  • picnic day at uc davis with sydney & julie - THE HEAT, came home and took a nap
  • skyped justina, NEW ROOMMATE!, watched transformers 3
  • really good rehearsal at orchestra for my solo :)
  • lunch at esther's and had 3 different desserts LOL, watched bones, good weather, PAYA SHIPPING, getting to know my roommate even more!
  • boo thang lunch MINUS SYDNEY, going to nina's after school to do practice prom hair, went with maya to get her prom dress altered, did practice prom make-up run, watched survivor and revenge
  • convinced ms. mansourian to show kristen bell sloth video in psych :D, finally got my uc davis financial aid package! submitted SIR, started housing forms, watched TVD & grey's and cried my eyes out, tutored $
  • painted my toenails, got a french manicure for prom
  • got prep & ready at joanne's pre-prom, took pictures and everyone looked beautiful, prom at chabot space & science center - hella good food, after=prom at marriott with aneesa, sydney, maya
  • tutored for pre-calc and things actually made sense, got a really nice thank you email from mr. purdom, seeing all the prom pictures on facebook :)
  • listening to everyone's after-prom stories, getting to school at 11:10 am, filled out the nyu official wait-list form
apr 5 2012 ∞
jun 7 2012 +