- Good classes
- No 7th period, getting home at 1 pm on Block A days
- Stimulating class discussions in government, English and psychology
- Taylor Swift Concert with Maya. One of THE most amazing experiences of my life
- APES class pet, RuRu, the bunny
- People that I want to avoid are not in my classes
- Nice, sunny weather
- 3 hr naps on Friday afternoons
- Instagram pictures
- Chef's/House of Curries on block A
- Demi Lovato's Unbroken Album
- The Vampire Diaries coming back for Season 3 :)
- Mr. Purdom praising journalism articles and asking Nir to put it on the front page online for a full week
- 100% on Psych quizzes
- productivity
- new tumblr layout :)
- successful club rush!
- having a ROFL moment with the Boo Thangs in the Target dressing room :)
- coming up with THE most amazing outfit for Twin Day
- Excitement for Homecoming is building and building.
- Grey's Anatomy two hours premiere!
- successful first UNICEF meeting! so many people showed up, makes me excited.
- joined the BodyPositive club
- 3 hour naps
- laughing so hard at maya's birthday that my stomach hurt. (florence freaking out over Psycho, stairs of Death LOL)
- senior portraits in the mail
- successful meeting with Ms. Holmes about Cornell Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign
- Completed second draft of personal statement, put way more voice and ATTITUDE in it (: (Suggestion from Mr. Bailes)
- Worked on college apps, registered for my last ACT test, watched my Thursday TV shows
sep 9 2011 ∞
jan 15 2012 +