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Junior in college; A procrastinator, a thinker, a hopeless romantic.
I enjoy blogging, eating, sleeping, reading, making lists, running, laughing, watching dramatic TV shows, taking pictures, & singing along to the radio.

  • fairly good day, no homework tonight, had hot chocolate when i got home, didn't fall sleep in math
  • field trip: saw "ghost light" at berkeley rep, had sushi for lunch, took bunch of pictures, good weather, got called for tutoring, watched thursday tv line-up: vampire diaries and grey's anatomy.
  • planned out birthday details with sherry, chill friday night watching white collar
  • went to chinese school to have potluck, started tutoring again $$$, watching white collar, yp meeting sleepover: yummy dinner, hymnal & bible lesson, played scrabble and taboo, 1:30 am donut run in downtown berkeley, delicious breakfast
  • watched more white collar and multitasked with homework
  • survived monday, hot chocolate, lots of compliment bout mah blazer & lacy top
  • left school early, successful college interview :)
  • good weather, "revenge" came back: JOSH BOWMAN <3, finalizing birthday partay, turning 18 tomorrow
  • 18TH BIRTHDAY: got so many baked goods & cards & presents from people, went to IN-N-OUT for lunch with zoe, maya, sherry & sydney, went to dinner with the fam at Cugini on Solano, birthday wishes on facebook, came home to watch my thursday TV line up :)
  • hot chocolate with sherry & v after school, baby-sitted stacy all evening, chilled and watched white collar & nikita
  • 18th birthday scavenger hunt in SF: my team won, got nice presents, going to see "drowsy chaperone" with joanne and maya, caught up on white collar
  • good mood all day, got through homework, tutored
  • got through monday: did nothing in english, lunch with luna, not a lot of homework
  • valentine card + chocolate from v, valentine's day singing gram from sherry, house of curries with syd, maya, & sherry, watched castle & alcatraz, got tutored in math
  • good psychology discussion, finished APES lab, went to see "the vow" with v & got ice cream at ici :)
  • drove to LA
  • visited pitzer, UCSD, UCLA, & USC, in-n-out for lunch, using a rice cooker in my hotel room LOL
  • boarded cruise ship.. FREE FOOD EVERYWHERE, made friends with courtney, mom's birthday
  • visited catalina island: went snorkeling & went on the glass bottom boat, saw fiesta latina show
  • arrived in ensenada, mexico: did the scenic gold coast tour and visited la bufadora (the blowhole), had mexican churros & chips & salsa
  • day at sea: hung out with courtney, went hot tubing and bonded with little kids, watched Shout! show
  • arrived home, visited ucsb & uci on the drive back, in n out for lunch again, sleeping in my own bed again
  • caught up with all my shows :)
  • tutored, finishing homework, blasting whitney houston music
  • survived monday, napped after school
  • got my birthday presents from v :D, red vines in AP lit, lunch at esther's: julie, ray, me, connie, esther, david liu, jessica aquino, chris aquino, suzanne
  • LEAP DAY, got wonderstruck perfume from sydney, shopped for prom dresses in journalism, made $20 off of tutoring, started prison break
feb 1 2012 ∞
mar 14 2012 +