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Junior in college; A procrastinator, a thinker, a hopeless romantic.
I enjoy blogging, eating, sleeping, reading, making lists, running, laughing, watching dramatic TV shows, taking pictures, & singing along to the radio.

  • IT'S A NEW YEAR!!!!!, watching fireworks on the hill with maya & syd, pigging out with TV, all caught up with flash point, only 3 more apps left, TV shows coming back this week
  • smoothie for breakfast, new haircut, bought salsa & chips from trader joe's, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, fear factor
  • went to the library to finish APES lab, 2 more apps left, watched switched at birth
  • painted my nails lilac (:
  • made fried rice for lunch, watched the Maury show with emily LOL, VAMPIRE DIARIES & GREY'S ANATOMY TONIGHT OMFG BEST EPISODES OF MY LIFE OMG, in n out for dinner, then late-night meal at daimo with extended fam (:
  • barney's with syd & emily, TV: Maury & Dr. Phil, NIKITA, vacuumed entire house, cleaned my room
  • had costco pizza for lunch, went shopping at valley fair mall: got a thick scarf, necklace and a t-shirt at forever 21, finished reading "the summer of firsts and lasts"
  • gushing with chynna & maddie s. about TV shows at lunch, no homework due tomorrow, playing "would you rather" through text with collin, planning trip to the mexico for mid-winter break!!!
  • switched at birth episode
  • FINALLY ALL DONE WITH APPLICATIONS, pho for dinner, no homework tonight
  • 3-day weekend, Nikita episode tonight
  • finished AP Lit final project with Lauren, only 4 finals to study for: planning out my weekend, watched Miss America 2012 with emily
  • finished typing out 8 page notes for government, did pre-calc practice problems, reviewed APES
  • watched maury with emily LOL, made a pizza for lunch, study session with maya @ starbucks: quizzed each other with flashcards for APES, and government, watching castle & pretty little liars
  • easy finals today: US government & psych, went to helpful APES study session, reviewed for pre-calc for 2 hours, watching switched at birth
  • APES final went fairly smoothly, pigged out in journalism with chow-mein, chips, soda, cupcakes, & cookies, no finals tomorrow, got a 98% on the psych final, started watching "alcatraz", one final left!
  • chill day at school - no final & GOT OUT AT 10 AM, went to get brunch with zoe & saskia, then we went to the albany swing near the cross, going to the library to study math with saba & jenny
  • done with finaaaaals, SECOND SEMESTER SENIOR, got out of school at 10 am, adventures with zoe, maya, syd, & v: in-n-out at 10:30 am, ichiban kan, berkeley marina, hike through the rain at tilden, starbucks, cemetery, maya's house to watch parks & rec, started watching "revenge" AND JOSH BOWMAN IS SO HOT
  • all caught up with revenge, chill day at home, still have tv watching stamina
  • rain!, chinese new year dinner, hong baos :), chinese new year TV program
  • survived monday, 5 tv shows on tonight, nap
  • lunch at esther's: BESS IS PREGNANT AGAIN?!, came up with 18th birthday partaaay idea, went to ca$h for college
  • slept all day because of somtach flu :(
  • started watching white collar
  • college interview, fatty partay at florence's rather than winter ball: got Veronica ready for winter ball, used OPI crackle nail polish for the first time, got fat, talked, attempted to watch 50/50
  • no homework due tomorrow, made it through monday, nap
  • watched alcatraz and switched at birth, caught up with all make-up work, planning out 18th birthday with sherry, procrastinated all afternoon online by looking up prom dresses and TOMS
jan 1 2012 ∞
mar 14 2012 +