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Junior in college; A procrastinator, a thinker, a hopeless romantic.
I enjoy blogging, eating, sleeping, reading, making lists, running, laughing, watching dramatic TV shows, taking pictures, & singing along to the radio.

  • freshmen debates: judged four debates, got to dress up, 3 more months until graduation, good day in general
  • prison break all day errday :D
  • prom dress hunting, good orchestra mini-concert!
  • successful tufts interview, got ice cream from ici, more prison break, tutored $$$
  • good monday: jokes in journalism, A- on my Adam Smith essay for econ, 100% on psych quiz, doing nothing in english, studying with junior friends for math test, jeremy got rid of his asian justin bieber haircut LOLOL, productivity, nap
  • ray's birthday lunch at esther's, prison break :D
  • tutored $$$, more prison break, nap
  • field trip to berkeley rep and saw "a doctor in spite of himself", had lunch at bongo burger, got ice cream with sydney, bought tights from cvs LOL
  • watched a movie bout corn in APES, got journalism interviews done, math was good, hung out with sherry after school :) hehe good day in general
  • prom dress shopping with sydney, sydney's mom, & sherry, bought two dresses to decide on one but might ditch them both altogether...
  • finished prison break season 3
  • no homework due tomorrow, experimenting with makeup
  • watched "babies" in psychology, caught up with alcatraz, 3 hour nap, practiced violin
  • twirling my umbrella on the way home and getting sherry all wet LOL, pigging out on chocolate, lunch with luna, my math story is going to be on the cover for "the cougar" :)
  • gushing with maddie s. about prison break in psych, red vines in AP lit, watched survivor, TVD & GREY'S ANATOMY IS BACK, packed more stuff for the move, tutored $
  • got into UC santa cruz, maddie gave me "the hunger games" to read, leaving for church retreat, math ;), got more journalism stuff done
  • young people's conference at alliance redwoods: experiencing the Lord and being filled with Him, being reassured that He will put me in the college that I'm suppose to end up, card games with julie, jeanine, eleni, jasmine, joyce, and suzanne.
  • got into UC Davis :)
  • moved all my crap to the talbot house LOL, got into university of washington & uc santa barbara :)
  • FINISHED READING THE HUNGER GAMES, got catching fire from joanne, catching up on my shows, 3-day weekend!!!!
  • got a prom dress (:
  • saw "the hunger games" SO GOOD, tutored $, dinner at california pizza kitchen
  • church, 3 hour nap, nikita, dinner with fam + cousin + aunt at rendevous cafe bistro :)
  • got visa from chinese consulate, reorganized furniture in room
  • lunch at esther's, jujitsu texts LOL
  • IN-N-OUT with zoe!
mar 1 2012 ∞
may 1 2012 +