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Junior in college; A procrastinator, a thinker, a hopeless romantic.
I enjoy blogging, eating, sleeping, reading, making lists, running, laughing, watching dramatic TV shows, taking pictures, & singing along to the radio.

  • lunch at esther's with julie & ray, 1.5 hour nap, finished master poet presentation in english
  • no homework due tomorrow, 2 hour nap, BodyPositive meeting, starbucks brings out holiday cups :)
  • 21 questions in English - hilarious questions like last text & first kiss location.. LOL
  • rain & cold weather! <3 it.
  • BONES SEASON 7 PREMIEREEEEEE, and vampire diaries, and grey's anatomy.
  • started Nikita.. so addicted already.
  • finished UC essays, watched In Time, peppermint mocha at starbucks :)
  • caught up on Nikita, didn't go to orchestra, four day school week
  • played "never have i ever" in English, lunch at esther's with julie, ray, & connie, journalism article published on the cougar online, 2 hour nap, no math quiz this week
  • achieved my goal on my ACT, no more standardized testing!!!
  • played pictionary in APES, aced my math quiz, made chocolate chip cookies
  • THREE DAY WEEKEND, lunch with zoe & saskia, catching up at memorial park, reading Pride & Prejudice in AP lit + Mr. Bailes says we will watch the Keira Knightley movie version :) YUS.
  • made waffles from scratch, slept for 12 hours, high productivity, saw Anon(ymous) with Sydney, started pretty little liars, 11/11/11 11:11
  • IKEA frozen yogurt, finalized UC essays.
  • bought two new pairs of shoes from Marshall's, dinner at Nina's, relaxing Sunday
  • nap, ramen for lunch
  • finished Pretty Little Liars, peppermint mocha after school, collected all UNICEF money, NIKITA, cleaned my room & got rid of hella crap
  • SENT OUT UC APPLICATION, pre-thanksgiving dinner with extended fam, young people's meeting at the sisters house.
  • watched Pride & Prejudice (2005 - Keira Knightley), finished Jane Austen English project with Liza, took a walk in the rain
  • chill monday, finished counting Marin's UNICEF money,
  • successful English prsentation, lunch at Hawaiian BBQ with Zoe & Saskia, sitting at Barnes & Noble reading gossip magazines, coming home and crashed - two hour nap, minimal homework tonight
  • minimum day, house of curries w/ sydney, sherry, veronica & joanne, picked up new dvds from the library, got college stuff done
  • sexy movie day with sherry, thanksgiving at nina's: watched tangled, cake boss, and super nanny, black friday shopping for 7 hours with sydney, sherry, and veronica O_o so ridiculous, drunkness, random singing, laughing at viagra and chipotle, starbucks & pastries at 6:30 am, ordered my macbook pro from amazon.
  • chill sunday, watched Life As We Know It, finished government homework early, used my $25 aeropostle gift card
  • MACBOOK PRO CAME IN THE MAIL, submitted more apps, barely any homework
nov 1 2011 ∞
jan 15 2012 +