don't follow me if:

  • you believe reverse racism/sexism, heterophobia, cisphobia, etc. exists. or if you think that oppressed communities can oppress their oppressors/are "just as bad" if they speak out in a manner you deem "too aggressive or violent"
  • you're a terf, truscum/trans medical essentialist/whatever it is you wanna call yourself, anti-BLM, anti-antifa, anti sex work(ers)
  • you are under 16

maybe don't follow if:

  • you're under 18, this isn't a huge deal because i try to keep my main twitter relatively SFW, if you're already following me when i put this up then ur all good tho (this doesn't apply quite as much to mastodon instances, as they have a proper CW/NSFW hiding system lol).
  • you believe ace/aro people are inherently LGBT, i don't really care that much but ur not gonna have a good time cause i'm fairly open about my stance on not all ace/aro people being LGBT.
  • you really need things tagged/CWs, i'm really bad at remembering them so its not gonna be a steady system on my end (the fairly common tags like bugs, arachnophobia, sexual assault, etc. i'm pretty good at tagging, really specific ones are where i get a little more hit or miss on it;;; ) sorry.
  • you're pro capitalist. like, i don't really care that much but tbh ur gonna have a bad time i'm Very anti capitalist lmao
apr 24 2017 ∞
jun 19 2018 +