"...I realized that I had been trying to hold onto something that had already broken... By snapping you are saying: I will not reproduce a world I cannot bear, a world I do not think should be borne." Sarah Ahmed

"I am free to pursue my relationship with God with less distraction and more freedom, and that means everything to me." Joshua Becker

"Minimalism: the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from them" Joshua Becker

"Don't love things (or even the absence of things)." Joshua Becker

"This is what makes the unexamined life so dangerous. We think we are living life to the fullest but we aren't. Instead we are often trading long-term purpose for short-terme pleasure." Joshua Becker

"Though anger seems a pessimistic response to a situation, it is at root a symptom of hope: the hope that the world can be better than it is." Alain de Botton

"I thought I knew about the world, but I realize now that despite the countless photos I have seen and the many publications I have read, I retain barely a single image in my imagination of most countries around our planet." Alain de Botton

"A society where everyone wants to be famous is also one where, for a variety of...reasons, being ordinary has failed to deliver the degree of respect necessary to satisfy people's natural appetite for dignity." Alain de Botton

"A clean conscience is the preserve of those without sufficient imagination. Were life...ever really to test us we would almost surely be found wanting - an awareness upon which a measure of understanding towards the guilty should be founded." Alain de Botton

"I got better without ever quite getting well." John Green

"our challenge is less to save the earth from ourselves, and more to save ourselves from an earth that if pushed too far has ample power to rock, burn and shake us off completely." Naomi Klein

"a time to reflect on the darkness—how it lets the light shine." Sarah J Maas

"to say masculinity is in "in crisis" is like saying racism was "in crisis" in civil-rights-era America." Grayson Perry

"Because men on the whole are less aware of their feelings, they characterize their often angry, mocking, combative view of the world as dispassionate." Grayson Perry

"I'd hate it if you stopped thinking about things." Alexander McCall Smith

"Many speak of comfort as a right, even when--especially when--that comfort is built upon the suffering and silencing of others." Rebecca Solnit

"Saying this upset some men. Many among that curious gender are easy to upset, and when they are upset they don't know it. They just think you're wrong and sometimes are also evil." Rebecca Solnit

"Late at night, when your brain is tired of thinking of everything else, you will find me there. You cannot throw me far enough away." Iain S Thomas

The Peace I Won When I Stopped Fighting "I'm sorry, but no gun can frighten me and no word can hurt me. No wave can knock me over and no rain can slow me. No night can tire me and no fire can burn me. Because I have found the strength to do the things I believe in, and the will to stop doing the things I don't believe in. So I have discovered what it means, to be at peace. And you, my friend, will never find a big enough gun." Iain S Thomas

"They might not like you... But this universe, will always love you. This universe, will take you." Iain S Thomas

"I often feel that the work I do around the house is the work of an invisible person. How else could my husband consistently leave his underwear tucked behind the bathroom door? His wet towel on the bed? Surely, he does not imagine me, searing, swooping to pick up his damp, crumpled briefs with a child on one hip as I listen to a podcast." Rufi Thorpe

"I realize I do not remember being held in all those small moments as an infant. That means I was well held." Erin Wunker

"...living in the world is hard while feminist. The only thing that's harder is living in the world while not feminist." Erin Wunker

"As an ideology, feminism... holds that some things-say, social and political equality and physical autonomy-are better than other things, like inequality, domestic and sexual violence, and subservience based on gender. It makes no sense to argue that all choices are equally good so long as individual women choose them. And it's equally illogical to... suggest that a woman's choices affect that woman and only that woman." Andi Zeisler

"We don't exist in a vacuum, and neither do our choices. The cultural ideals created and delivered by profit-driven media and corporations have a massive impact on the supposedly free choices we make with our bodies, and rationalizing that away... is much easier than trying to change it." Andi Zeisler

"some women gaining some ground in many areas is not a wholesale feminist victory, especially since even that incremental progress has resulted in a disproportionate amount of fear." Andi Zeisler

"The problem is-the problem has always been-that feminism is not fun. It's not supposed to be fun. It's complex and hard and it pisses people off. It's serious because it is about people demanding that their humanity be recognized as valuable. The rood issues that feminism confronts-wage inequality, gendered divisions of labor, institutional racism and sexism, structural violence and, of course, bodily autonomy-are deeply unsexy." Andi Zeisler

feb 5 2019 ∞
jan 15 2021 +