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"for how are we to hear the infinitely stranded voice of God except in the grappling voices of those who care about the Torah and seek out its never fully graspable truth." Naomi Alderman
"'Love your enemy' it is a dreamers doctrine: visionary, astonishing, and a hard road...if those who claimed to follow Jesus later had dedicated themselves to that one thing...much bloodshed might have been avoided. But perhaps the idea was too difficult, for it is not much observed, even to this day." Naomi Alderman
"things standing shall fall, but the moving shall ever stay" Basavanna
"There is talk of fairness, without acknowledging what is already unfair." Reni Eddo-Lodge
"we are more of an ongoing process than a solid thing." Gill Farrer-Halls
"Perhaps, then, unlikable characters, the ones who are the most human, are also the ones who are the most alive. Perhaps this intimacy makes us uncomfortable because we don't dare be so alive." Roxanne Gay
"you sit in bookstores cross-legged at the bottom of the shelves. love too many of the books and take none of them home... most times there just aren't enough words." Jasmin Kaur
"what is purgatory but to meet no place that calls you beloved, to find no earth with arms that embrace you" Jasmin Kaur
"depression is this ghose that looms over my shoulder & nobody seems to believe in spirits" Jasmin Kaur
"forgiveness and i are well acquainted, but just because she had good intentions it doesn't mean she ever kept me safe." Jasmin Kaur
"True and genuine religion, beginning with a fascination for God, who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, results in genuine humility, joy, and contentment." Klaus K Klostermaier
"while I had been looking for an intense, singular state of certainty and knowing...I may really have been seeking what the astronauts had: an intense, singular state of unknowing, of a we and respect for something so big that it is beyond understanding... that just maybe it was better to accept that our capacity for understanding everything may be limited" Anjali Kumar
"for many of us, ours spirituality will be like Burning Man: a bricolage, a tapestry of odds and ends, and assemblage of religious beliefs and spiritual practices pasted together in a recombining." Anjali Kumar
"fuck the idea that there is such a thing as destiny, that there exists some kind of mysterious master plan, that there is a god who simply does not give us anything we cannot handle. the pain did not make me a better person. it did not teach me not to take anything for granted. it did not teach me anything except how to be afraid to love anyone." Amanda Lovelace
"no matter what they tell you, it is not your job to be polite to anyone who is not polite to you first." Amanda Lovelace
"'Read it all. Read it because it's important to you.'" Jenny McIsaac
"And I make myself remember all the times I made hate look an awful lot like holiness." Morgan Nikola-Wren
"My soul is the kind that would skinny dip in a baptistery." Morgan Nikola-Wren
"Those who don't act piously and don't seek a name trust in their own heart's guidance...and trust in direct spiritual communication." Martin Palmer
"Don't try to control everything, don't take sides in arguments about right and wrong. Treat everyone equally, and live from day to day. It's like a clear mirror which reflects everything...as well as the smallest of details...without judgement. And you-you should do likewise. Then true Peace and Happiness will flow from your heart, and...you will not claim credit for being virtuous." Martin Palmer
"...And though I don't pretend to understand I will go on studying until the end...." Martin Palmer
"Whose dream is this/It is too sweet to be mine alone" Sarah Peters
"Perhaps my indescribable suffering at being unable to produce is my most accurate response to the present situation, and I would sooner submit to that suffering than make any concession in the essential." Rainer Maria Rilke
"He is difficult to find, but he lives in the heart of the good.He is the innermost secret of the scriptures, inscrutable and unrecognized. He is honey and milk and the bright light." Tirunavukasrasu Swami
"To every age Christ dies anew and is resurrected within the imagination of man... and is always being remade in the image of man, which means that his reality is always being reformed to fit human needs, or what humans perceive to be their needs. A deeper truth, though, ...is that there is no permutation of humanity in which Christ is not present, If every Bible is lost, if every church crumbles to dust, if the last believer in the last prayer opens her eyes and lets it all finally go, Christ will appear on this earth as calmly and casually as he appeared to the disciples...after his death, who did not recognize this man to whom they had pledged their very lives; this man whom the had seen beaten, crucified, abandoned by god; this man who, after walking the dusty road with them, ...had to vanish once more in order to make them see." Christian Wiman
"If grace woke me to God's presence in the world and in my heart, it also woke me to his absence, I never truly felt the pain of unbelief until i began to believe." Christian Wiman
"At some point you need a universally redemptive activity. You need grace that has nothing to do with your own efforts, for at some point--whether because of disease or despair, exhaustion or loss--you will have no efforts left to make." Christian Wiman