- acrylic paint
- alone time
- animals
- cats
- cows
- dogs
- horses
- lemurs!
- blankets
- blue florals
- browsing flickrs
- buying things :(
- caffeine
- chiffon clothing
- chocolate tiles
- cleanliness
- although i'm messy as hell
- collages
- creating imaginary
- characters
- situations
- words
- curtains
- dimly-lit corners
- drawing eyes
- dreamy
- colours
- ideas
- music
- sketches
- exploring music
- film photographs
- fluorescent lighting
- fog
- frothy warm drinks
- fruits
- blueberries
- grapes
- honeydew!
- oranges
- passionfruit
- peaches
- raspberries
- strawberries
- looking out windows
- meadows
- mild alcohol
- museums (somehow)
- neutral colours
- nice-sounding words
- nude colours
- observing animals
- observing people on public transport
- pictures of redheads!
- print fabric
- rain
- sea
- sea creatures
- self-initiated research
- astronomy
- human appearance
- human habits
- human psychology
- unusual animals
- unusual deaths
- silences that aren't awkward
- skies
- sleeping
- (starting to enjoy reading)
- still life sketching
- sweet dreams (or fantasies that never happen)
- tumblr
- unusually bright stars
- walking
- wandering
- warm milk
- watching fashion shows online :(
- waves
- whispers
- words for mental disorders
- writing my thoughts
oct 25 2010 ∞
nov 25 2010 +