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“my parents said they didn’t really know who i was, i don’t even know who i am, then who would know? friends? maybe you? no one knows who i am.”

    • the last

“dream, may all of creation be with you til the end of your life, dream, wherever you are, will welcome you, dream, may your trials end in full bloom, dream, though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous”

    • so far away

"when it rains i feel a little like i have a friend, it keeps knocking at my windows and asks if i’ve been doing well and i answer: i’m still a prisoner of life, i don’t live because i can’t die but i’m chained to something"

    • forever rain

“i want to help, as i was just like them, someone full of passion, making dreams brighter, making nightmares disappear, peace will be right there”

    • piece of peace

“maybe i’ve lost my way or perhaps there was never a road from the beginning”

    • drifting

“i’m afraid of the fact that i’ve already been born, death hurts so much and reality is so stifling (it makes me feel helpless)”

    • drifting

“sometimes i get confused too, about who i am, sometimes i feel like an angel and sometimes like a devil, but everything coexists. positive and negativity”

    • i believe

“when you get confused about what what’s right or wrong, think about what makes you want to live”

    • i believe

"we’re each other’s night view, each other’s moon"

    • moonchild

"just like the night leaves and the morning comes, the spring leaves and summer comes, but just like the flower wilts and the fruit grows ripe, everything needs to go through pain"

    • everythingoes

“secretly, turn the volume of my voice up, so you’ll know it’s me, so that my voice can reach you”

    • voice

“why is there no opposite word of loneliness? could it be because people, until they die, have no moments of not being lonely?”

    • life
feb 28 2020 ∞
oct 11 2021 +