• ★★★★☆ | intro: persona
  • ★★★★☆ | boy with luv
  • ★★★★½ | mikrokosmos
  • ★★★½☆ | make it right
  • ★★★★½ | home
  • ★★★★½ | jamais vu
  • ★★★★☆ | dionysus

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"persona, who the hell am i? i just wanna go i just wanna fly; i just wanna give you all the voices till i die, i just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry"

    • persona

"you’re the star that turns ordinaries into extraordinaries"

    • boy with luv

"your pain is my pain, when i realized that, i vowed to myself, with the wings of Icarus you gave me, not toward the sun but toward you, let me fly"

    • boy with luv

"a dark night, dont be lonely, all like stars, we shine; dont disappear, for you are an important being"

    • mikrokosmos

"you got me, i dream as i look at you; i got you, within the nights that seemed pitch black; we were saying words that were like each others light that each other saw"

    • mikrokosmos

"i know that a sea without you can only be the same as the desert"

    • make it right

"its like the more i fill it, the more it becomes empty; the more people im with, its like im more alone"

    • home

"please give me a remedy, a remedy that will jump-star a stopped heart"

    • jamais vu
feb 25 2020 ∞
mar 15 2022 +