ㅤㅤ PROOF (2022)

    • ★★★½☆ | born singer
    • ★★★★☆ | yet to come
    • ★★★★☆ | run bts
    • ★★★½☆ | young love
    • ★★★☆☆ | quotation mark
    • ★★★★★ | for youth

‘‘to be honest, i was scared that i was to prove myself after talking big, that i, who used to know only pen and book, was then to surprise the world, i dunno, that i and the world’s expectation are too asymmetric, i was scared that i might betray everyone who trusted me’’

    • born singer

‘‘while you were talking through your keyboard, i fulfilled my dreams’’

    • born singer

‘‘yeah, the past was honestly the best, but my best is what comes next’’

    • yet to come

‘‘somewhere deep inside your heart, there still lives a young boy’’

    • yet to come

‘‘if inever met you, oh, what would i be like, baby? [...] you always here with us together, and every second was forever [...] you’re my best friend for the rest of my life’’

    • for youth

‘‘those nights when, i was laying my head on the pillow, wished that i wouldn’t wake up, now this place where you are, this a new home to me, because i’ll always come back, baby don’t you worry, because every trace of our footsteps will become a path’’

    • for youth

‘‘your countless words that comforted me, they are what made me; yeah, you’re the springtime of my life, my youth, a friend i’m thankful for, my pride, my heaven, and love’’

    • for youth

‘‘it was dark on all sides, in the midst of the darkness, a ray of light, what a relief that it’s you, because, for we’re together, we shine’’

    • for youth

‘‘i’d run, and stumble, you’d raise me up, but i may fall over again, oh, would you reach out your hand to me because i will get up however many times it may be’’

    • for youth

‘‘i wish i could turn back time, back then when everything was easy, i should’ve said those words to you more, i’ll be with you for the rest of my life’’

    • for youth

‘‘my feelings are not a box, so why do i keep closing it?’’

    • quotation mark

‘‘if we life fast, let us die young [...] we seven mates, look, we got us’’

    • run bts

‘‘if we succeed in the words that we've promised, everybody is dead; the reason behind bangtan's success? i don't know if there's something like that, all of us just run hard’’

    • run bts
jun 12 2022 ∞
jun 23 2022 +