MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 (2020)

  • ★★★★☆ | interlude: shadow
  • ★★★★★ | black swan
  • ★★★☆☆ | filter
  • ★★★½☆ | my time
  • ★★★½☆ | louder than bombs
  • ★★★½☆ | ON
  • ★★★★½ | UGH!
  • ★★★★½ | 00:00 (zero o'clock)
  • ★★★★☆ | inner child
  • ★★★★☆ | friends
  • ★★★★☆ | moon
  • ★★★★☆ | respect
  • ★★★★½ | we are bulletproof: the eternal
  • ★★★½☆ | ego
  • ★★★☆☆ | ON feat. sia

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‘‘i’m scared of flying high, no one told me how lonely it is here’’

    • shadow

‘‘you’re me and i’m you, you get that now? we’re one and will sometimes clash, but you can never break off from me’’

    • shadow

‘‘if this can’t make me cry anymore, no longer make my heart vibrate, then like this may be how i die my first death’’

    • black swan

‘‘nothing can swallow me up, i’m shouting out loud with all my strength’’

    • black swan

‘‘even when the dark and rough waves pass by, i won’t ever get swept away again’’

    • black swan

‘‘the more you look, the cuter i am, like crazy neither tastes nor standards matter in front of me, you become to want me and only me, because it’s you who made me’’

    • filter

‘‘why am i the only one in a different spacetime?’’

    • my time

‘‘louder than bombs i sing, i promise to you and myself, no matter what kind of waves strike, we will endlessly sing towards you’’

    • lourder than bombs

‘‘to remain sane, one must go insane’’

    • on

‘‘even truth becomes lies, even lie becomes truth, in this place, everyone becomes someone with perfect moral thinking and judgment, how funny’’

    • ugh

‘‘someone’s action drives someone else into pain, someone’s words make someone else hopeless, someone’s split-second becomes someone else’s memory, someone’s anger costs someone else’s life’’

    • ugh

‘‘will something change? it probably won’t be the case, but still, this day, will end. when the second hand and the minute hand overlap, the world holds its breath for a very brief moment, zero o’clock’’

    • 00:00

‘‘you just have to look at my galaxies, you just have to be showered by those stars, i will give my world to you’’

    • inner child

‘‘someday, when these cheers die down, stay with me by my side, forever, keep staying here. [...] someday, when these cheers die down, stay hey, you are my soulmate’’

    • friends

‘‘you are my earth, to you, i’m just a moon, a tiny star of yours that lights up your heart. you are my earth and all i see is you, the only thing i do is to gaze at you like this’’

    • moon

‘‘though they say i’m beautiful, my sea is all black. a star where flowers bloom and the sky is blue — the one who is truly beautiful is you’’

    • moon

‘‘(respect) they say it so easily, when they don’t know what it is, i hope they re-spect’’

    • respect

‘‘whatever i believed, wherever i went, became my fate and became my core, whether or not i was exhausted or whether or not i was sad, it became my comfort, and help me know myself’’

    • ego
feb 25 2020 ∞
mar 15 2022 +