• ★★★½☆ | sleepless
  • ★★★☆☆ | in seoul
  • ★★★½☆ | lovedrunk
  • ★★★☆☆ | eternal sunshine
  • ★★★☆☆ | no different
  • ★★★★☆ | rain again tomorrow
  • ★★★½☆ | lullaby for a cat

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‘‘do you have trouble sleeping? do you have nightmares? are you heartbroken? do you feel down, depressed, hopeless? do you miss someone? do you find that things you once enjoyed no longer interest you? are you lonely? are you always, sleepless?’’

    • sleepless

‘‘anxious thought and regrets gather in my room, that miserable moonlight is me, that lonely starlight is me’’

    • in seoul

‘‘maybe while i was erasing you i erased myself [...] this isn’t me getting ruined, it’s my body and my heart that only knew you trying to grow new skin, it’s just a seasonal transformation’’

    • lovedrunk

‘‘in the sleepless early dawn the tears that i was holding pours down’’

    • eternal sunshine

‘‘the path i walk on, i know i’m walking on a dead-end road, but i repeat this cycle dozens of times [...] they say tomorrow is another sunrise, those rainclouds tell me otherwise, they say, they say it’s raining again tomorrow [...] i only fall asleep towards dawn because i only become free once my eyes are closed’’

    • rain again tomorrow

‘‘whoever said "no pain, no gain", don't know pain intimately like i do, as infinitely as i do’’

    • lullaby for a cat
feb 3 2021 ∞
oct 11 2021 +