‘‘i just woken up from a dream, there’s a sad, lone star in the dark sky once again, goodbye, we said our awkward goodbyes, as i turned around and went on my way it felt so far’’

    • one of these nights

‘‘in the same time, just for a minute in the same place, stay for a minute in that short moment everything stopped for you and me, why didn’t i know that was a miracle?’’

    • one of these nights

‘‘i, who stopped in that day with the old story, i’m going through heartache longer than the times we loved’’

    • one of these nights

‘‘i can’t quickly forget, because i’m still in the same place even when the pages of the calendar turns’’

    • one of these nights

‘‘my empty heart only yearns for you’’

    • rose scent breeze
mar 14 2022 ∞
dec 2 2023 +