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  • cement swimming fields (thatofyou | 300) “i wonder if that thing can be filled up,” donghae wonders aloud as he watches the puddles get bigger from a window across the street
  • one two three (heartflinger | 270) christmas eve and the morning after
  • the way it is (thatofyou | 2.1K) donghae has been kibum's best friend since childhood, and kibum knows he's been in love with donghae for almost the entire time
  • umbrella (jjang | 1.1K) donghae is spring. kibum is gone



  • ...and this, too, shall pass (canttakeabreath | 2.2k) there's a line between friendship and love that gets thinner over the course of a decade. for some people
  • it's sunny in hollywood (loveisonthemenu | 9.8K) in california, kibum is where he's needed
  • tomorrow would be the same (conflate | 1.3K) it’s been months, you think (but actually it only has been three weeks)
  • walls (meiface | 600) donghae breaks down kibum's walls without even trying
may 19 2013 ∞
jul 22 2013 +