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I am Angel R. Rivera, and I am currently the Outreach Librarian for a small university in Texas. Here in my listography I have a box with a list of my online services and profiles. Feel free to visit some of them to learn more about me. I am an avid blogger, writer, and reader. I enjoy road trips and roadside attractions. Because I am a wanderer at heart, I have chosen gypsy librarian as the title...

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These are the social networking places and social sites where I have a profile. I use some more than others. This list is to help me see where exactly I am and where I have been when it comes to my online presence. Plus it can give my visitors an idea of where else I may be found.

  • For openers, I know have a profile here on listrography.
  • My Facebook page. I use this one quite a bit, especially at work because I also maintain the UT Tyler Robert R. Muntz Library's Facebook page.
  • I have a MySpace page.
  • I decided to give Digg a try, so I do have a profile there now.
  • I do have some online photos on Flickr here.
  • Learn about my reading and books at GoodReads here.
  • Learn a bit about music that I like at my profile.
  • In terms of music, I also have a profile in Jango.
  • And some more music. I have a couple of playlists set up at
  • For movies, I set up a profile at Flixster.
  • You can learn more about some of the things in entertainment and culture I like via my Get Glue profile
  • My homebase on SoulPancake.
  • You can also find me on (sorry, can't seem to get a profile link for it. Just look me up there).
  • I finally fell for it and started using Twitter. You can find me @gypsylib.
  • I practice writing a bit and just answer little questions at Plinky. You can find me here
  • I am also on Formspring now. So you can ask me questions, which I will try to answer or see some of my answers. Find my profile here
  • I got a Tumblr blog to try it out. Finally putting a few things in it. We'll see how it goes.
jul 1 2010 ∞
apr 20 2012 +