Mike stares at him with so much mirth it makes Norton feel helpless. The blonde wraps his arms around Norton’s shoulders and he knows this is a bad idea. He struggles to speak, his mind yelling at him to run, get out before the acrobat finds out the type of man Norton really is. But Mike is staring at him like he’s worth something, and maybe he wants to feel like he’s worth that —more than the loose change he grew up with, more than the luxury he worked so hard for.

He’s certain the acrobat is an angel, sent by the heavens to finally punish him —end the curse that is living, surviving, far longer than anyone else. What other reason is there to explain someone so bright giving him such temporary compassion? Against his better judgement he relaxes, leans into his angel’s touch. When Mike kisses him Norton feels as though he’s already died, like nothing on earth could give him what he has right now, at this moment.

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may 24 2020 ∞
may 24 2020 +