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Guided Meditation

  • Jason Stevenson - Jason's channel is one I've followed for years, his videos are so calming and powerful. I encourage you to give his extensive range of incredible videos a try! He has everything from guided meditations, frequencies, music and sleep stories.
  • Lauren Ostrowski Fenton - Just like Jason, Lauren's beautiful channel has been guiding, calming and teaching me for years. Lauren's channel has meditations with or without background music, chat videos on a variety of topics, and relaxing music. Her guided meditations to relieve anxiety helped me massively.


  • Nature Soundscapes - Exactly what it states on the tin, Nature Soundscapes is a channel with over 300 videos of relaxing sounds from all different environments.

Video Bloggers

  • planDํ”Œ๋žœ๋”” - PlanD is a gorgeous YouTube channel with a focus on cooking and caring for the home, sit back and relax as you watch her daily life unfold.
mar 31 2022 ∞
apr 16 2023 +