- 3 GOSA TULPAN cushions (26x26) - $12 x 3
- 2 SANELA grey velvet cushion covers - $15 x 2
- 1 RENATE BLOM cushion cover - $6
- 1 KOMISK triple cushion cover for all of them - $13
- 3 GOSA SYREN pillows for sleeping
- Curtains - agree with dorm mate(s)?
- Rug - agree with dorm mate(s)?
- RENATE microfiber blanket - $20
- Mirrors?
- Scale
- YNGAREN decorative glass bowl / jar (bathroom section)
- FLATEN storage tins (bathroom section)
- ARSTID table lamp - $20?
- Twin size comforter for bed - ?
- Set of small water glasses
~$150 trip
jun 8 2011 ∞
aug 22 2011 +