- aaron perry — jynx. because he’s a creeper.
- anastasia gujratis — jigglypuff. idk. IT JUST FITS.
- angelina quinlan — hitmonlee. because she hits people.
- asher outland — haunter. because he’s a ~JOKESTER.
- blaine archibald — granbull. because he thinks he’s badass, but he’s just NORMAL TYPE.
- bobby cohen — umbreon. because it’s the blackest one i can think of.
- chandler carlyle — bellsprout. because he loves weed.
- colbie robinson — seel. because she’s amazing.
- cooper lindberg — growlithe. the police pokemon.
- evan faulkner — ash ketchum. because they’re heroes.
- felicity rosenberg — mr. mime. because mimey likes to clean.
- henry patterson — ditto. because he can ~transform himself~.
- jude lancaster — gloom. because they’re unlovable.
- lauren bennett — psyduck. because she is so dumb. really dumb. for real.
- maxwell wicks — meowth. because… lol.
- pixie archibald — chikorita. because they both cry a lot. and they’re in love with people.
- reed bolton — alakazam. because they have magic spoons.
mar 29 2011 ∞
mar 29 2011 +