
is an addict. a blackberry addict. and is wondering where 3/5 of her family are...

is off on a mini adventure, back for my birthday!

is lucky to have so many happy birthday wishes :) roll on a brand new year!

knows there is no such thing as creative thinking when you are forced to do it!

has never loved Traffic Cops so much.

misses you!

is moving her Random Acts Of Kindness to Saturdays.

is writing her personal statement, again!

wants to know what they want from me!!!!!!

is going shopping yay!!!!!! oh yeah, and college too...

is h-a-p-p-y! :D

is gonna dance her socks off!!

had an awesome night despite the best efforts of her f***ing heels!

would like a hug

is up all night

is doing a little dance! payday!


is on the train to Manchester!

is all Manc-ed up!

is very lucky :)

is jealous of her own parents. the shame.

is back on the trains with a copy of heat and the ipod, brilliant!

's ears and feet are still recovering from reel big, reel big fish!


has deadlines to meet :(

is all on her own.

is thinking that it really is her day today! :D yeahman!


is YAY!

is annoyed that all the matches are on saturdays!



sent off her UCAS... by accident!


is sunning it on the 66, today's going to be a good one!

- take that, photoshop!!

is on top of the world :D

is making tshirts on the good train scarborough!! :D

is making tshirts on the scarborough train with hannah b!

is also going out bye!!!

is watching the sun setting from the train :)

picked the completely wrong time to start writing about her FMP.

wants anyone that sees her on facebook to remind her she has an exam on monday. over and OUT!

and little bro are having some dinner and watching futurama :D

just saw Marley & Me and cried my eyes out.

got a table all to herself on the 7am train :D SCore!

says bring on the fest!

is magazine, housepants, hoody, naaice!


Southern Vic FTW!

can't wait to get home and get some pasta!

is feeling roughhh

has work, scott, pasta, sleep, interview!

"it's 1973. dinnertime. i'm 'avin 'oops."

is a bundle of nerves waiting for a reply from NTU!


needs a bear hug from Scott




's heart belongs to a chemical engineer.

"Are you outta your Vulcan mind?!"

watching fawlty towers with little sis and little bro :D

gonna do me some f.m.p!

who uses college pc's for work anyway!

wants to know why she always feels sleepy after lunchtime :S

no more facebook for hannah!

understands all of the fuss about Twilight

byebye loughborough hello hessle

loves her mateys and her scott!

is a bit disturbed that mog is missing 'let's hear it for the boy!!!k


wonders why people keep putting full stops in between words and then realises it's just a dirty screen. not cleaning it though!

s best moment of the night was sat between scott doing michael jackson moves like a mofo and jack groovin' liverpool style! :D ✓ X anyone got any tips for car booting? ✓ X is gonna go play herself some Zelda. ✓ X and. ally. are. off. to. car. boot... ✓ X and ally have already made £3!! nice weather and a lot of weirdos!This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage.

July ✓ X 's back... ✓ X shipping her crackberry off :'( hope it has a nice life in NYC. August ✓ X 's using the feet-as-snowploughs method to move all the crap around her bedroom floor. ✓ X Skoda Felicia for sale, £495 o.n.o - all four tyres, steering wheel, etcThis status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage. ✓ X eeeeeeeeeee ✓ X Good luck with your results kids! Don't stay up on UCAS all night! ✓ X well done little sis!! ✓ X got a B! :D ✓ X s Skoda got sold! Farewell old friend, I'm sorry I never drove you as well as you deserved, curbed your wheels and filled your door pockets with crap. I'll miss you! ✓ X is ordering chinese for one YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM ✓ X is no longer an employete at b&q, i will miss my showmies :'( couldnt have found a better place to work, and now i have to grow up a bit! Maybe... :D ✓ X is knackered! Looking forward to a mega week, London&Leeds Fest, looking back to leaving work and seaside holiday. I love summer! ✓ X and ally have had a mega tour of london, shopping tomorrow!! Hi mum! ✓ X says cheerios cleanliness! hello leeds fest :D September ✓ X wants Chrome for my Macbook already. ✓ X is grateful to scott for the 24hr tech support. ✓ X wants this cold to go AWAY! :( ✓ X feels like poo and wants a hug :( ✓ X Murder, She Wrote is so good. ✓ X moved half my stuff into new flat today, deciding when to move in for good! ✓ X my glasses won't stay on my face!!! aaaaaaallrighty then! ✓ X hurry up Handbrake, it's my bedtime soon. ✓ X pretty pleased with the latest ebay find! :D ✓ X excited! ✓ X is not not not not not NOT liking Harper's Island. Now I have to watch Mock the Week so that I can sleep. ✓ X lovely day :) ✓ X watching Marley & Me again was a bad idea :( ✓ X byebye little sis! ✓ X oxfam shopping at 1am, brilliant! ✓ X oh City, you don't make it easy to support you. ✓ X packing,packing,chinese food,packing,packing,nottingham ✓ X WOW at all the welcome week stuff!! can't sleep, too excited!! might have to buy myself a camera! ✓ X clearly not going back to sleep now ✓ X is unpacking in nottingham! ✓ X someone should do a remake of Groundhog Day ✓ X is happy ✓ X won't be going to Hull Fair this year for the first time EVER :O October ✓ X train back to nottingham today after little adventure in loughborough! ✓ X right that's it. i've had enough of breakfast rules, i'm having pasta and bolognese. ✓ X who needs the SU when you have MOUSTACHE PARTY! ✓ X come on city! ✓ X is officially a tramp. ✓ X i want to pluck out my eyeballs and rinse them in a cool glass of ice water. ✓ X this better not be freshers flu *already* ! ✓ X S. H. I. T. E! ✓ X s l e e p ✓ X has ran out of text messages! ✓ X saw my first light up dancefloor, amazed!! set off my first fire alarm as well :D ✓ X wants people to wake up! i can't go to freshers fair by myself :( ✓ X wonder what today brings ✓ X needs a gym buddy! ✓ X just got an email from the canoe club??? whaaaat. bedtime! up early for saturday antics!x ✓ X got a solid.3 hour.sleep.UP FRESHERS FOR SATURDAY ANTICS! ✓ X going to look after myself today! ✓ X really want to jump on a train to loughborough ✓ X so much work so little time! ✓ X got the same feeling as being allowed to design your own posters in Year 5. Fun! ✓ X stuck ✓ X rock city v. gatecrasher ✓ X OH I JUST CAN'T WAIT . . . TO BE KIIIIIIIING! ✓ X the fox on my gmail is asleep but some weird fox ghosts are having dinner at his table! ✓ X nice cup of tea back in nottingham ✓ X unreliable internet ✓ X white screen of death, apple shop, -£50, new hard drive, new OS, clean screen. all in a morning's work :DThis status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage. ✓ X nooo lost all of my weird bookmarks :( ✓ X poor city :( ✓ X aww @ flat 25 boys all snuggled up watching a film! :p ✓ X "Introducing the completely redesigned, better-in-every-way MacBook." ARGH! ✓ X messy, messy fairy cake fight at 25. nobody was safe! :D love it ✓ X listening to scorpions at the recommendation of little bro, good one! ✓ X off to kick some ass at self defence! ✓ X it's never dull in Hull ✓ X is back in HESSLE! ✓ X less than 24 hours and i'll be back in goldsmiths again! what is going on! ✓ X wish I was asleep like everyone else. why do I leave things until the last minute really. ✓ X love my messages from home. and my new found skill of making paper stars! ✓ X ow ✓ X In a dark, dark town there was a dark, dark street and in the dark, dark street there was a dark, dark house, and in the dark, dark house there were some dark, dark stairs and down the dark, dark stairs there was a dark, dark room and in the dark dark room….three skeletons lived! There was a BIG skeleton.and a SMALL skeleton.and a DOG skeleton! *Rowf!*This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage. ✓ X come on liver, we can do this ✓ X is sorry ✓ X is lucky November ✓ X is only eating healthy food today, remind me! ✓ X i love poo jokes ✓ X work, shower, film, sleep ✓ X soaking up all this new music, feels good! ✓ X superglued entire model to cutting mat... ✓ X happy :D ✓ X wagamama's at 25 for dindins :D happy! ✓ X today is going to be AWESOME! do do do do! :D ✓ X booked tickets for the big smoke! time for an adventure! ✓ X GET IN CITY! ✓ X Got my hands up, They’re playin my song, I know I'm gonna be ok, It's a party in the USA!This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage. ✓ X scott mills wrote on my hand! never washing again! ✓ X can actually hear the birds. gonna be up at 8 though, no doubt about it! ✓ X is enjoying making memories :) ✓ X didn't make it to uni today - fail, but large mocha - win! ✓ X coffee check, drawing board check ✓ X LOUD NOISES ✓ X oh my word zane lowe = IMMENSE, shower time yes then sleep thank you! x ✓ X is did. ✓ X is extremely proud of Lauren Yanoi Dearden! ✓ X good morning nottingham! :D ✓ X <insert angry comment about the fire alarm here> ✓ X can has chocolatz! thanks James Noble! ✓ X more than a feeling! ✓ X looking forward to seeing the boys get smartened up for friday! ✓ X it's london o'clock! ✓ X3 green fruit gums in a row - win! ✓ X businessman next to me in starbucks totally bought his wife on ebay ✓ X la la la london ✓ X sunshine, train, ipod, happy :) ✓ X idiot ✓ X productive morning! and not actually being sarcastic :D thanks Roberta Sims! ✓ X Goldsmith Court outing to ASDA leaves at 8.30 ✓ X :( ✓ X cheapest place for printer ink and paper anyone?? ✓ X today is kick-ass! ✓ X strawberry shortcake muller corner NOM ✓ X loves lesbian sex ✓ X in the wars ✓ X

  • ..and i'm feeeeeling gooooooooood

December ✓ X all i want for christmas is a large mocha flake to take-out, thanks! ✓ X NOODLES ✓ X miss my Danny Wallace books :( ✓ X white rabbits - percussion gun = mint ✓ X hannah = happy! ✓ X mocha, george lamb, sketchbook, thumbs up, head down. ✓ X loves living in a flat of guitarists ✓ X wants to go home ✓ X is eternally grateful to whichever flatmate woke me up this morning after my alarm didn't go off! ✓ X take THAT! ✓ X not sure why the man next to me on the train is so engrossed in 'Utility Weekly' magazine. ✓ X

  • ..until Sunday, Facebook!

✓ X = Santa's Little Helper! ✓ X is waking up with George Lamb this morning ✓ X wanted : gig buddy ✓ X has a date with the night! ✓ X IT'S SNOWING!! and i am 8 years old!!!!!! ✓ X is kicking it with the girls in my very attractive santa hat! gatecrasher and waving goodbye to goldsmiths for 2009 *sob* ✓ X wishes she could be more like Lauren Yanoi Dearden ✓ X pogues on the radio on the motorway home, bye bye for now nottingham! ✓ X watching the rest of Miracle on 34th Street to see if the girl gets her house/family/baby brother for Christmas in the end. Oooooooo, the tension. ✓ X happy for little T coming home, seeing my showmies, decorating Westwood house, hessle reunion, and ...then I might unpack and catch some well-needed Zs. ✓ X dancin to 'bon jurvey' like a mofo ✓ X Showmies, I love you. Goodnight! ✓ X got a solid.sixteen.hours! ✓ X the littlest Thomson is arguing with me... in his sleep! Probably having flashbacks to earlier of when I cut off a tiny piece of his hair with the scissors. Aaah it's good to be home. ✓ X and Roberta Sims are going to see Miley! Eeeeee! ✓ X new found appreciation for the cyrus. damn it! ✓ X all i want for christmas is a hug! but highly likely to change my mind when i have to write my christmas list tomorrow.... ✓ X hanging up my facebook boots for a while. merry christmas and new year everyone! ✓ X london 15 miles! ✓ X would have laughed in your face if you'd told me last week I'd be at a miley cyrus concert. amazing!!! some hysterical vertically-challenged people behind us with really high pitched voices. think they might just be children though. ✓ X oh MY!

dec 30 2009 ∞
dec 30 2009 +