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It breaks my heart to see how not one person in my class respects my science teacher. He tries so hard to explain things to us, but no one ever listens. I plan on making an effort to give him all my attention in his class because he deserves it.


My history teacher treats us like adults and that's how it should be. He rarely gives us breaks, but that's what I need to stay ontop of things. It may be tough sometimes, but I enjoy his class and I'm learning a lot.


My geometry teacher explains everything all wrong. He uses too many examples from real life for me to understand. Not many in my class are able to learn that way either and we're all having trouble understanding what he says. Worst part is, he picks on people. If one person isn't getting it, he asks them questions all period and ends up making some cry. He humiliates and that's not going to teach anyone anything. When you were last made fun of and talked down to, did you feel like doing better and cooperating or did you want to get in bed where it's safe?


This is my favorite class because I am able to read and write; my two favorite things. My teacher is pretty funny. He likes to talk about himself. If we start whispering, he'll say "Do I need to remind y'all that this is a college class?" I don't know why, but it gets on my nerves. Other than that, I enjoy his class.


There are 5 people in my class and it's awesome. We don't really do anything because we haven't gotten the computer program for our work yet, so we just sit around and watch educational films. This is also the time I play the Band Name Game and act weird with Justin. NOTORIOUS!


We watch all my favorite geek movies and I write notes with Travis. That kid is the greatest and sweetest little sophomore alive. I am lucky to be his Hannah Banana Montana.


Again, no one listens to my science teacher. This class is full of 9th graders and I am stuck in a corner with girls who don't know me and think I'm high because they've never been around me when I'm exhausted. I'm sorry, okay? It's the 2nd to last period, I'm tired.


I color while Marissa tells me about her troubles. We design what we need to and help Ms. Glenn with whatever project she's got going on. She is the sweetest and cutest teacher I've ever had and I can't believe she isn't beating guys off with sticks.

sep 26 2010 ∞
sep 26 2010 +