• "...you're not your numbers. When we're trying to, sort of, understand our own value and our worth and our impact, we look to numbers because they're easy to understand, right?
  • I think that we often draw our confidence from them and when we see a bad one we lose some of that confidence. And I think that we look to the things that we quantify, whether that's our AP test scores or our net work or our BMI, or how much we can benchpress. I think we look to those things because they're easy to measure, not because they're actually good surrogates for our value or how confident we should be and how much we should like ourselves.
  • There are many things that are more important that are just much harder to measure with numbers, like how good you are at communicating, how driven you are, how much you care, how thoughtful you are, whether or not you are willing to take on or even want to take on things that are difficult for you. We don't even try to test for that stuff, we just hope that the things we do test for are kind of - like, include all that stuff inside them somehow.
  • ...It's so easy to look to numbers to define other people and to define ourselves as if we're earthquakes but, man, and I know people have heard this before and said it in a bunch of different ways and places, but when we define ourselves that way, it is bad.
  • If humans are seven billion earthquakes on the planet, I want to think less about how big my shake is and more about what my shake does and and who I shake it with!

- Hank Green

jul 11 2017 ∞
jul 11 2017 +