total: 4

  • a question of luck | it all started, hoseok was pretty sure, when he was in his last year of college - and his body had gone on strike after way too many years of abusing it through cram school and tests and all nighters to finish papers at the last minute. it all started when he'd had six hours of sleep over five days and fell into bed and stared at the ceiling. it all started, hoseok was pretty damn sure, with the guy., 4.6k.
  • conversations and exhortations to one min yoongi | there is a list of things one should always be aware of when min yoongi comes into the picture. jung hoseok does not get the memo., 9.9k.
  • maquillage | hoseok's roommate keeps drawing dicks on his face, and yoongi is the only guy on the hall with makeup wipes and foundation. hoseok is the cute lab partner that yoongi has had a crush on all semester. makeup doesn't usually feel this intimate, does it?, 6.7k.
  • meet me on the other line | hoseok gets a bit drunk and responsibly sends a sexy nude to the wrong number he mistakens for as his ex's. it doesn't go as bad as he thought., 3.5k.
apr 6 2017 ∞
apr 14 2017 +