total: 13

  • clearly in love with me | minghao's not sure if the delivery boy is flirting with him or not.
  • cookie crumbs | it's unwise to put so much faith in a cookie but minghao is a little different (and a bit too lovestruck), 2.4k.
  • don't mess with the dragon | junhui tried to warn them. really. he did.
  • every chance i get {i'll turn you on} | minghao is a kid with miserable talents at choice making and a lot of feelings. wen junhui is the hot graduate who he's sleeping with and has most of those feelings for. everything about his life is confusing, but at least the sex is great., 18k.
  • knock, knock, who's there? | junhui, a vampire, has no idea why minghao, his chosen, is acting like this. what he does know however, is that minghao is a petty little shit who won't come out of his room. and waiting patiently isn't in junhui's dictionary. also known as: minghao and junhui play hide and go seek., 10k.
  • mentor | where jun can't afford to say no to the teacher, and minghao doesn't really understand korean.
  • of orange carpets and green desks | xu minghao likes to think that he can run away from his problems. turns out wen junhui is a fantastic dancer. also known as: i drank too much and started ranting about pointless things except you somehow found it endearing but i also kind of have a huge, unhealthy crush on you so let's never speak of this again?, 5.8k.
  • picking stars from the sky | but things change when they grow up., 10k.
  • reading lips | 'he knows', is what runs immidiately through minghao's mind. 'he knows, about it all. and he wants it to stop.' nothing is more scary than that., 1.1k.
  • since forever | jun spends his days trying to pretend he doesn't yearn for minghao. it doesn't work., 13k.
  • too nice | jun made mistakes in the past and was determined not to make them again. key word: was. past events replay in the present, confusion settles, and a certain person comes to top it all off. yet through it all, minghao is still too nice., 29k.
  • you must have been very far | junhui isn’t nearly as drunk as his friends; unfortunately, they’re the ones selecting his punishment for having lost miserably at this party game., 10k.
  • your life was new {but you waited far too long} | the high school-au where junhui thinks he's getting to know the sweet kindhearted bullied kid, but ends up dating an very disrespectful kid (with rumoured cannibalistic tendencies), 4.2k.
sep 10 2016 ∞
sep 10 2016 +