system & setting Call of Cthulhu, Arkham Massachusetts, 1925-1929
- full name thomas james gunn
- nationality american
- age 36 (25 may 1893)
- occupation sorcerer
- background mayoral candidate loses everything to magic addiction
- 5'11"
- caucasian
- blue eyes
- dark brown hair
- rarely seen without: pressed suit; neat shoes; cigarette lighter from the future; a faint scent of saltwater
- SANITY ??/100
- LUCK 90/100
- STR 10
- DEX 12
- CON 11
- APP 15
- POW 18
- INT 11
- EDU 12
- daemon small monkey, undetermined
- mbti esfj
- ennea 3w2
- house slytherin
- classpect thief of breath
- significator i: the magician
- gay but closeted
- ptsd & vermiphobia
- saved the world from cthulhu
- seawater-themed signature death magic