•ko-fi: no one is allowed to throw money at me anymore

•commission waiting list form: i lost this but i dont know how to say that and ive felt nervous for a lot of months due to that

•twitter: https://twitter.com/icedsalt

•personal twitter: dont worry about it

•twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/riimake

•oc google drive: i will no longer share this but im currently rewriting everything from scratch and making it actually good. if u are a friend/mutual i will send u the files if u ask. i dont expect anyone to but! the option's there. i'll make them public one day tho

•MAL: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/icedsalt

•backloggd: https://www.backloggd.com/u/riimake/

•FFXIV: primal data center, ultros, oroka mono. i have a crystal alt too but that's a secret

•Granblue Fantasy id: 21205726 (i have very good summons. every day i get closer to rank 200. and yet i remain clueless)

•arknights: rii#2843 (i no longer play daily, supports: e2 vulcan skill 2, e2 ifrit skill 2 max, e2 silverash skill 3 max) ((i wont accept if youre too low level/have nothing in your support list bc i only have so much space on my list. sorry. if ur a friend tho or someone i think is cool this is no longer true.))

•LINE play: NK-8019-5600 (i lost my drive to play it frequently but my room is cute.)

•Fate/GO id: 238,551,265 (i barely play)

•bandori en: 327374 (i barely play)

•proseka en: i said id put my id here when friends were implemented but my name is embarrassing and i dont want to change it so im not going to.

•touhou lost word: when friending other players is implemented ill put the thing here

•hello sweet days: my name is rii on there you'll know me if you see me. i dont play too often anymore though

•starlight re live id: 7696268019 (i barely play)

•lovelive sifas: 333-134-395 (i barely play)

•puyopuyo quest: i lost my account when i changed phones. rest in peace

•magia record en: rest in peace

•monogatari pucpuc: rest in peace

•tomotoru: rest in peace

•touhou cannonball: rest in peace

•sinoalice: 764983603 main gear is at 100k+ (i barely play)

•girls frontline UID: 919829 (i barely play)

•snake eater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aHQnDTd1y4

nov 19 2018 ∞
may 2 2022 +